Legislative Assembly SENATE BILL NO. 2126
of North Dakota
Introduced by
Senators Conley, Elkin, Vedaa
Representatives Grueneich, Ostlie
1 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 53-06.1-10.1 of the North Dakota Century
2 Code, relating to the sale of raffle board squares.
4 SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. Section 53-06.1-10.1 of the North Dakota Century Code is
5 amended and reenacted as follows:
6 53-06.1-10.1. Raffles.
7 1. A prize for a raffle may be cash or merchandise but may not be real estate. NoA single
8 cash prize may not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars and the total cash prizes in
9 one day may not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars. However, on not more than two
10 occasions per year a licensed organization may, at the request of a winning player,
11 exchange a merchandise prize valued at not more than twenty-five thousand dollars
12 for a cash prize.
13 2. The maximum cash prize limits of this section do not apply to a public-spirited
14 organization that supports amateur collegiate athletics.
15 3. An organization permitted to conduct raffles in this state may conduct a fifty-fifty raffle
16 either by manual drawing or by using a random number generator. Fifty-fifty raffle
17 tickets must be sold and drawings held onsite at the location of and on the date of the
18 event. Fifty-fifty raffles may not be conducted online over the internet.
19 4. A licensed organization permitted to conduct raffles in this state may sell online over
20 the internet and may accept an electronic payment, including payment by a debit card
21 or a credit card, for the purchase of a raffle ticket. An organization that accepts
22 payment by credit card for the purchase of a raffle ticket shall limit an individual's ticket
23 purchases using a credit card to five hundred dollars per day, not to exceed
24 one thousand five hundred dollars per week. If a licensed organization accepts
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Legislative Assembly
1 electronic payment for the purchase of a raffle ticket, the organization shall verify the
2 ticket purchaser is at least eighteen years of age and physically is located in the state.
3 5. For a raffle board, an organization permitted to conduct raffles must sell the numbered
4 squares on the board for the same price and may sell squares at a site thirty days
5 before the drawing.
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Statutes affected: INTRODUCED: 53-06.1-10.1
Adopted by the House Political Subdivisions Committee: 53-06.1-14
Enrollment: 53-06.1-14