Expands the scope of Article 22A of GS Chapter 14 to govern trespass upon unposted property to hunt, fish, trap, or remove pine needles/straw, as follows. Makes it a Class 3 misdemeanor under GS 14-159.6(a1) to willfully go on another person's land, waters, ponds, or a legally established waterfowl blind of another that is not posted in accordance with the provisions of GS 14-159.7 to access public trust waters from land, hunt, fish, or trap without written permission from the landowner, lessee, or agent of the property owner that is dated within the last 12 months.  Modifies the provisions in GS 14-159.6(a), governing trespass on posted property so that it also prohibits trespass on land to access public trust waters. Modifies the affirmative defense available under the section so that it requires the offender to have obtained written permission prior to entry (currently, just need to obtain permission). Makes organizational, technical, and conforming changes.
Specifies in GS 113-276.3 (concerning mandatory suspension of licenses issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission [WRC]) that violating GS Chapter 113’s Subchapter IV, pertaining to conservation of marine and estuarine, and wildlife resources, or of any rule adopted by the WRC under the subchapter which is subject to a penalty greater than a Class 3 misdemeanor upon first offense and a Class 2 misdemeanor for subsequent convictions within three years, is a suspension offense with a conviction resulting in a suspension for a period of one year. Modifies the suspension offense requirements for GS 14-159.6(a) pertaining to trespass on posted property so that any violation is a suspension offense for a two-year period (currently, just third or more offenses are suspension offenses). Makes conforming changes.
Broadens the scope of the Class 2 misdemeanor set forth in GS 113-294(d1) so that a violation of any provision of GS 14-159.6(a) is an act covered by the misdemeanor (currently, just possessing, transporting, or taking a deer from posted land without written permission). Increases the fine from a minimum of $500 to not less than $1,000.  Makes it a Class 2 misdemeanor for a person to violate GS 14-159.6(a1) (trespass on unposted property discussed above) twice or more within a three-year period.
Adds new GS 14-280.4, making it a Class 3 misdemeanor for any person to willfully launch any motorized or unmotorized watercraft from the right-of-way of a public highway or street into a body of water adjacent to the right-of-way, except in public areas designated for boating access.
Applies to offenses committed on or after October 1, 2025.

Statutes affected:
Filed: 14-159.6, 113-276.3, 113-294