Appropriates $10,112 for 2025-26 from the General Fund to the UNC Board of Governors to be allocated to the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management in the College of Natural Resources at NC State University for a pilot program in Wake County to enhance diversity in the sport of pickleball. Requires the program to consist of: (1) at least two focus groups with people of color to gain insight into how to best create and promote a program aimed to increase diversity among pickleball participants; (2) creation of a branded program, including name, logo, and physical and digital marketing materials; (3) marketing of the program, in coordination with community partners, using specified avenues; (4) a four-week session held in the fall of 2025 and the spring of 2026 at Method Road and Chavis recreation centers in Raleigh; and (5) post-program evaluation and creation of a toolkit that can be used to implement similar programs for parks and recreation departments and other community organizations across NC. Specifies that the funds do not revert but remain available to the Department for these purposes.
Effective July 1, 2025.