Amends Article XI of the Mooresville Charter, SL 1975-239, as amended, by allowing the Mooresville Board of Commissioners, with or without consideration, and upon such terms as it deems wise, to convey real property owned by the Town for one or more of the following purposes: (1) affordable housing for low- and moderate-income persons, (2) housing for veterans (as defined), and (3) housing for emergency responders (as defined). Prohibits conveying real property acquired by the exercise of eminent domain. Allows a deed conveying the real property to contain a restriction which provides that the real property will revert to the Town if it is no longer used for increasing the supply of housing before the expiration of the time period established by the Board of Commissioners. Requires the conveyance to be made pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners and sets out requirements for the adoption of the resolution. Also requires posting the resolution on the Town's website at least 10 calendar days before the conveyance is executed.