Part I
Sets a monthly teacher salary schedule for "A" teachers for 2025-26 for licensed public school personnel classified as teachers, based on years of experience, ranging from $5,000 for teachers with 0 years of experience to $6,823 for 25 or more years of experience. Provides for a 12% salary supplement for licensed teachers who have National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification; a 10% salary supplement for licensed teachers classified as "M" teachers; a $126 salary supplement for licensed teachers with licensure based on academic preparation at the six-year degree level, in addition to the "M" teachers’ salary supplement; a $253 salary supplement for licensed teachers with licensure based on academic preparation at the doctoral degree level, in addition to the "M" teachers salary supplement; a 10% salary supplement for certified school nurses; and a $100 salary supplement for school counselors who are licensed as counselors at the master’s degree level or higher.
Requires that the first step of the salary schedule for school psychologists, school speech pathologists licensed at the master's degree level or higher, and school audiologists licensed at the master's degree level or higher, must be equivalent to the sixth step of the "A" salary schedule. Provides for a 10% and $350 salary supplement. Deems these employees eligible to receive salary supplements equivalent to those of teachers for academic preparation at the six-year degree level or the doctoral degree level. Requires that the twenty-sixth step of the salary schedule for school psychologists, school speech pathologists licensed at the master's degree level or higher, and school audiologists licensed at the master's degree level or higher must be 7.5% higher than the salary received by these same employees on the twenty-fifth step of the salary schedule. Provides that in lieu of the amounts of annual longevity payments to teachers paid on the teacher salary schedule, beginning with the 2014-15 fiscal year, the amounts of those longevity payments are included in the monthly amounts under the teacher salary schedule.
Details teacher compensation for the 2025-26 school year based on either (1) the applicable salary schedule; (2) for eligible teachers, the sum of the salary the teacher received in 2013-14, longevity pay for the 2013-14 school year, and annual bonus provided in SL 2014-100; or (3) for teachers not eligible for the 2013-2014 longevity pay/2014 bonus, the sum of the salary and annual bonus the teacher received in the 2014-15 school year, with the compensation amount determined to be equal to the greater of those amounts. Provides that teacher includes instructional support personnel. Appropriates $1.597 billion in recurring funds for 2025-26 from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to increase salaries for teachers and support personnel.
Part II
Repeals GS 115C-302.10 (laying out qualifications for education-based salary supplements). Requires that for 2025-26, State Board of Education policy TCP-A-006, as it was in effect on June 30, 2013, will be used to determine (1) whether teachers and instructional support personnel are paid on the "M" salary schedule and (2) whether they receive a salary supplement for academic preparation at the six-year or doctoral degree level. Appropriates $8 million in recurring funds for 2025-26 from the General Fund to DPI to reinstate education-based salary supplements for teachers and instructional support personal.
Part III
By February 15, 2026, requires the NC Collaboratory to study and report to the specified NCGA committee on the feasibility and advisability of implementing a system of allotting funds to local school administrative units for the compensation of teachers, instructional support personnel, and assistant principals that is based on the average daily membership of the unit instead of guaranteed positions. Requires the Collaboratory to consult with DPI, the Fiscal Research Division, at least one small, one medium-sized, and one large local school administrative unit and, to the extent practicable, any other stakeholders, experts in the State on public school funding, and states that have transitioned from an allotment system based on positions to an allotment system based on students in membership.  Lists six matters that should be covered by the study including the impacts of instituting the allotment change described in this section on small, large, and medium-sized local school administrative units, processes other states have used to transition to such a system, alternate compensation structures that don’t rely on years of experience, and recommendations. 
Effective July 1, 2025.