Contains whereas clauses.
Section 1
Requires the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety (DPS), the Secretary of the Department of Adult Correction (DAC), Commander of the State Highway Patrol (SHP), the Director of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) to each undertake tasks related to cooperation with federal immigration officials, including:

Enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Director of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to permit designated State law enforcement officers to perform immigration law enforcement functions.
Develop departmental policies on determining the residency or citizenship status of persons in the custody of under supervision of the agency along with procedures for a follow up query to ICE when residency/citizenship of such persons is unable to be determined, and submitting information to ICE when any of those persons is not a legal resident or citizen of the United States or its territories.
Cooperate with ICE to fullest extent allowed by law.
Submitting the MOA and said policies to the specified NCGA committee by August 1, 2025.

Directs the State Auditor to perform an audit to determine the compliance of each agency with the above and report the results to the General Assembly by December 31, 2025.
Section 2
Requires the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM) to examine the 19 listed “covered State public benefits programs” to determine whether, and the extent to which, such benefits are being provided to unauthorized aliens. OSBM must complete the examination and publish its findings on its website no later than December 31, 2025. Directs OSBM to take steps to ensure that covered State public benefits programs are not being used to benefit unauthorized aliens beyond that which is required by federal law and report to the General Assembly by January 15, 2026, and annually thereafter on the steps taken, and the resulting success, of those steps.
Section 3
Directs, in new GS 153A-435.1 (counties) and GS 160A-485.1 (cities), that counties/cities that have sanctuary ordinances are considered to have waived its governmental immunity from civil liability in tort in the event an unauthorized alien commits a crime against persons or property within its corporate limits if the local government entity does not comply GS 153A-145.5 (barring counties from adopting sanctuary ordinances)/GS 160A-205.2 (barring cities from adopting sanctuary ordinances). Specifies that the waiver of immunity applies even if the local government has not purchased insurance. Makes conforming changes to GS 153A-145.5 and GS 160A-205.2.
Section 4
Adds new GS 116-40.14, prohibiting a UNC constituent institution from having in effect any policy or procedure that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law. Prohibits these institutions from: preventing law enforcement officials or agencies from gathering citizenship or immigration status (lawful or unlawful) of any individual, directing law enforcement agencies not to gather such information; or prohibiting the communication of such information to federal law enforcement agencies.

Statutes affected:
Filed: 153A-145.5, 160A-205.2