Amends GS 20-158 by adding subsections concerning the use of traffic control photographic systems (photo systems) by the Department of Transportation and local authorities to enforce regulations related to vehicle control at intersections with traffic signals. Defines a statutory violation detected by a photo system as when a vehicle enters and proceeds into the intersection after the onset of the signal display of a steady circular red or steady red arrow controlling traffic approaching the intersection and the applicable red clearance interval has expired. Mandates that all photo systems be designed with an appropriate red clearance interval. Requires that the duration of the yellow light change interval and the red clearance interval at intersections where photo systems are in use be no less than the yellow light change interval and the red clearance interval durations specified on the traffic signal plan of record, signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer, and comply with the most recently adopted Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Effective 60 days after the date the act becomes law. Applies to any enforcement of GS 20-158 by a photo system, including by any municipality authorized to use traffic control photographic systems to enforce GS 20-158 under GS 160A-300.1, as amended.