Adds new GS 143B-156.1 establishing a Child and Family Welfare Ombudsman Office (Office) to focus on youth, birth families, and resource parents that are directly involved in the North Carolina child welfare system, within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and reporting directly to DHHS’s Secretary. Sets forth five sub-issues of focus. Directs the Office to advocate on behalf of these populations in this State and support their rights to ensure their voices are heard and concerns are addressed. Sets forth requirements for Ombudsmen and Office staff, including that staff have worked or lived experience in the foster care system. Lists nine powers and duties of the Office, including: (1) to investigate and attempt to resolve hindrances and issues for families or individuals seeking approval for licensure as a family foster home or therapeutic foster home and current resource parents navigating compliance with existing State and federal laws and rules; (2) providing information and assistance to resource parents; (3) gathering information through interviews and directly accessing case information within court and State databases; and (4) formulating a process for mediation between parties. Requires the Office to maintain neutrality in exercising its duties. Designates all communication between the Office and prospective resource parents or individuals seeking assistance from the Office as confidential and not to be considered public records under GS Chapter 132. Provides for whistleblower protections to persons for reporting a violation of law or ethical concerns to the Office. Directs the Office to conduct a review of every such report and to determine the correct action to take to protect the whistleblower. Requires the Office, by October 1 of each year, to compile data and submit it to the Office of the Governor and DHHS detailing the number of inquiries and complaints handled by the Office and trends in recurring issues for resource parents and local county departments of social services, including quantitative and qualitative data, which should be anonymized. Provides for publication of the data on the Office’s website. Requires the Office to submit an annual report to the specified NCGA committee based on the data by no later than November 1 of each year. Appropriates $137,000 for 2025-26 and $145,000 for 2026-27 to DHHS establish the Office and hire one full-time equivalent employee. Effective July 1, 2025.
Directs DHHS to have the Office operational by January 1, 2026, and engage in appropriate rulemaking to implement the act.