Requires UNC’s School of Medicine's Area Health Education Center (UNC AHEC) to consult with the Department of Health and Human Services, the North Carolina Medical Board, North Carolina Board of Nursing, North Carolina Medical Society, North Carolina Pediatric Society, North Carolina Board of Pharmacy, North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, and the North Carolina Nurses Association to gather evidence-based information on sudden unexpected death in epilepsy from publications and nonprofit organizations to create standard information to provide to all health care practitioners in this State. Specifies that the information must include, at a minimum, current and evidence-based information about sudden unexpected death in epilepsy risk factors and conditions and contact information for nonprofit organizations that provide support services for epilepsy conditions. Requires that the information be made available on the NC AHEC’s website and readily accessible to health care practitioners in this State. Requires NC AHEC to report to the specified NCGA committee a completed summary or booklet of information provided to health care practitioners in the report by no later than September 1, 2025.