Includes whereas clauses. Authorizes the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) to add the Gullah Geechee Greenway/Blueway Heritage Trail (Heritage Trail) in Brunswick County to the State Parks System as a State trail. Requires DNCR to support, promote, encourage, and facilitate the establishment of trail segments on State park lands and on lands of other federal, State, local, and private landowners. Specifies that on segments of the Heritage Trail that cross property controlled by agencies or owners other than DNCR's Division of Parks and Recreation, the laws, rules, and policies of those agencies or owners govern the use of the property. Excludes this authorization from the statutory requirement that additions be accompanied by adequate appropriations for land acquisition, development, and operations; however, the State may receive donations of appropriate land and may purchase other needed lands for the Heritage Trail with funds in the Land and Water Fund, the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, and other available funding sources.