Requires the State Board of Elections (Board) to develop a sample voter registration form (Sample Form) under new GS 163-82.5A to be used for organized voter registration drives, which should look clearly distinguishable from the actual voter registration application forms (Voter Registration Form) required under GS 163-82.3 with a disclaimer that it is not an official Voter Registration Form for voting purposes. Provides for other required content of the Sample Form, including the following information: (1) where to obtain an official voter registration application form; (2) where to return completed voter registration application forms in person; (3) how to register online; and (4) a list of important dates, including the deadline for registering to vote and dates for any primary or general elections during the election cycle, or how to find important dates online. Directs the Board to make the sample forms available to county boards of elections to distribute to organizations that must now register with the county boards to hold a voter registration drive under the statute. Lists information that an organization seeking to conduct or sponsor a voter registration drive must provide to the county board of elections in registering, including the hierarchal structure within the organization, whether the individuals participating in the voter registration drive are paid employees or volunteers, the number of Sample Forms requested, the duration of the voter registration drive, and the physical location from which the organization will operate the voter registration drive or whether the drive will be conducted door-to-door, or both. Prevents organized voter registration drives from offering Voter Registration Forms and directs that violation of that bar is a Class 2 misdemeanor. Makes conforming change to GS 163-82.5.
Applies to voter registration drives conducted on or after the act becomes law.
Statutes affected: Filed: 163-82.5