Identical to S 36, filed 1/30/25.
Amends Article III of the Charter of the Town of China Grove (SL 2002-42) as follows. Directs that all regular municipal elections will held on even-numbered years (was, odd-numbered years).  Extends the terms of the town’s Aldermen by one-year as follows: (1) for those three aldermen whose terms are set to expire in 2025 to 2026 and (2) for the other two alderman and the mayor whose terms are set to expire in 2027 to 2028.  Re-staggers terms so that three Alderman seats will come up for reelection starting in 2026 and two seats in 2028 and quadrennially thereafter.  Amends the mayor’s term so that the seat will come up for reelection starting in 2028 and quadrennially thereafter. (Currently, elections were staggered with two alderman seats and the mayoral seat up for reelection starting 2003 and quadrennially thereafter with the other three alderman seats up for reelection starting in 2005 and quadrennially thereafter.) Directs the town not to hold municipal elections until 2025.  Sets starting year for regular municipal elections as 2026, to continue biennially thereafter. Applies to elections held on or after the act becomes law.