Amends the temporary Rules of the House, found in House Resolution 1, by amending the standing committees listed in Rule 27 as follows. Changes Agriculture Committee to the Agriculture and Environment Committee and removes the Environment Committee and the Marine Resources and Aquaculture Committee. Changes Appropriations, Capital to Appropriations, Capital and Information Technology and removes Appropriations, Information Technology. Changes Commerce to Commerce and Economic Development. Changes the Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform Committee to the Election Law Committee. Establishes the Higher Education Committee and removes the Education--Community Colleges, and Education--Universities committees. Establishes the Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery Committee and removes the Disaster Recovery and Homeland Security committee. Establishes the Homeland Security and Military and Veteran Affairs Committee and removes the Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Establishes the Housing and Development Committee. Changes the State Government Committee to the State and Local Government Committee and removes the Local Government--Land Use, Planning and Development Committee, and the Local Government Committee. Changes the Oversight and Reform Committee to the Oversight Committee. Removes the following committees: Banking; Families, Children, and Aging Policy; Redistricting; State Personnel; UNC Board of Governors Nominations; and Unemployment Insurance.