H.B. 889
Apr 25, 2023
Short Title: Clean Energy Grants. (Public)
Sponsors: Representative Autry.
Referred to:
3 The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
4 SECTION 1.(a) The sum of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) in nonrecurring funds
5 for the 2023-2024 fiscal year is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of
6 Commerce to be allocated to the NC Clean Energy Innovation and Research Fund established by
7 G.S. 143B-437.105, as enacted by Section 2 of this act, for clean energy innovation and research
8 grants.
9 SECTION 1.(b) The sum of four million five hundred thousand dollars ($4,500,000)
10 in nonrecurring funds for the 2023-2024 fiscal year is appropriated from the General Fund to the
11 Department of Commerce for the One North Carolina Fund established in Part 2H of Article 10
12 of Chapter 143B of the General Statutes to provide competitive grants in the manner set forth in
13 that Part for support of clean energy and energy efficiency innovation, entrepreneurship, and
14 small business development in the clean energy sector.
15 SECTION 2. Article 10 of Chapter 143B of the General Statutes is amended by
16 adding a new Part to read:
17 "Part 2L. Clean Energy Innovation and Research Fund.
18 "§ 143B-437.105. NC Clean Energy Innovation and Research (CLEIR) fund and grant
19 program.
20 (a) Fund. – The NC Clean Energy Innovation and Research Fund is established as a
21 special revenue fund in the Department of Commerce, and the Office of Science, Technology
22 and Innovation in the Department shall be responsible for administering the Fund.
23 (b) Purposes. – Moneys in the NC Clean Energy Innovation and Research Fund shall be
24 allocated pursuant to this subsection. The Department of Commerce shall make grants from the
25 Fund to private businesses with fewer than 100 employees, nonprofit organizations, local
26 governments, and State agencies to encourage the expansion of small to medium size businesses
27 with fewer than 100 employees that will help grow a green economy in the State. The NC Clean
28 Energy Innovation and Research Fund shall be used for clean energy and energy efficiency
29 innovations and research and for the development of small businesses and encouragement of
30 entrepreneurship in these areas.
31 The priority areas are:
32 (1) To encourage the development and deployment of renewable energy and
33 energy efficient and environmentally conscious clean technologies and
34 products in the State. The Department of Commerce may make grants
35 available to maximize development, production, distribution, retail
36 infrastructure, deployment, and consumer purchase of such technologies and
General Assembly Of North Carolina Session 2023
1 products in North Carolina, including grants to enhance related workforce
2 development.
3 (2) To encourage the development of the clean energy industry in the State. The
4 Department of Commerce may make grants available to assist in the
5 development and growth of a market for environmentally conscious and
6 energy efficient green building processes.
7 (3) To attract and leverage private-sector investments and entrepreneurial growth
8 in renewable energy and energy efficient and environmentally conscious clean
9 technologies, products, and businesses, including grants to enhance workforce
10 development in such businesses.
11 (c) Cap and Matching Funds. – The Department of Commerce, Office of Science,
12 Technology and Innovation, may set a cap on a grant from the NC Clean Energy Innovation and
13 Research Fund and may require a private business to provide matching funds for a grant from
14 the Fund.
15 (d) Administration and Expenses. – The Department of Commerce may adopt rules
16 providing for the administration of the Fund. Of the funds appropriated to the Fund, the
17 Department may use up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or five percent (5%)
18 annually, whichever is greater, to administer the Fund."
19 SECTION 3. Funds appropriated by this act that are not spent or encumbered by
20 June 30, 2027, shall revert to the General Fund.
21 SECTION 4. This act becomes effective July 1, 2023.
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