H.B. 885
Apr 25, 2023
Short Title: Sound Basic Education for Every Child. (Public)
Sponsors: Representative von Haefen.
Referred to:
4 The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
10 SECTION 1.1. There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department of
11 Public Instruction the sum of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) in recurring funds for the
12 2023-2024 fiscal year to support two additional positions for the Professional Educator
13 Preparation and Standards Commission (Commission) to increase the capacity of the
14 Commission to coordinate efforts to recruit, prepare, retain, and support the State's teaching
15 workforce on behalf of the State Board of Education and the Department of Public Instruction.
18 SECTION 1.2.(a) The State Board of Education shall develop a plan for
19 implementing a teacher licensure and compensation reform model designed to restore respect for
20 the teaching profession; to build a more diverse, quality teaching force; to increase instructional
21 capabilities of teachers; and to entice more young professionals, mid-career professionals, and
22 out-of-state individuals into the teaching profession. The plan shall include at least the following
23 components:
24 (1) Offer early, inclusive, and clear pathways into the profession.
25 (2) Reward excellence and advancement among teachers.
26 (3) Encourage retention in the profession.
27 The State Board of Education shall submit details on the plan and any recommended
28 legislative changes to implement the plan to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight
29 Committee, the Fiscal Research Division, and the Office of State Budget and Management by
30 March 15, 2024.
31 SECTION 1.2.(b) There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department
32 of Public Instruction the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in nonrecurring funds for the
33 2023-2024 fiscal year to develop the plan required by subsection (a) of this section.
General Assembly Of North Carolina Session 2023
1 SECTION 1.3.(a) The State Board of Education, in consultation with The University
2 of North Carolina System Office, shall conduct a study to identify the resources and structures
3 that educator preparation programs at the constituent institutions of The University of North
4 Carolina need to be able to do the following:
5 (1) Increase capacity in educator preparation programs to recruit, prepare,
6 support, and graduate at least 5,000 in-State trained teachers annually.
7 (2) Increase capacity in educator preparation programs to recruit, prepare,
8 support, and graduate more educators of color annually.
9 The State Board of Education shall report on the findings of this study to the Joint
10 Legislative Education Oversight Committee, the Fiscal Research Division, and the Office of
11 State Budget and Management by March 15, 2024.
12 SECTION 1.3.(b) There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department
13 of Public Instruction the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in nonrecurring funds for
14 the 2023-2024 fiscal year to conduct the study required by subsection (a) of this section.
17 SECTION 1.4.(a) There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department
18 of Public Instruction the sum of three million dollars ($3,000,000) in recurring funds for the
19 2023-2024 fiscal year to support research-based Grow-Your-Own and 2+2 teacher recruitment
20 education programs in all regions of the State, including high school-based career academy
21 programs, the North Carolina Teacher Cadet Program, the Teaching as a Profession program,
22 and the TA to Teachers program.
23 SECTION 1.4.(b) There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department
24 of Public Instruction the sum of one million dollars ($1,000,000) in recurring funds for the
25 2023-2024 fiscal year to establish new Grow-Your-Own and 2+2 teacher recruitment education
26 programs in high-need public school units.
30 SECTION 1.5.(a) The State Board of Education shall develop a plan to implement
31 and fund a statewide system or entity to coordinate, enhance, and evaluate efforts to recruit, place,
32 and retain teacher candidates and beginning teachers between institutions of higher education
33 and local school administrative units. This study shall focus on, but not be limited to, how best
34 to consolidate and coordinate statewide teacher recruitment and retention efforts. The State Board
35 of Education shall submit details on the plan and any recommended legislative changes to
36 implement the plan to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee, the Fiscal Research
37 Division, and the Office of State Budget and Management by March 15, 2024.
38 SECTION 1.5.(b) There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Department
39 of Public Instruction the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in nonrecurring funds for
40 the 2023-2024 fiscal year to be used to support the development of the plan required by this
41 section.
44 SECTION 1.6.(a) Part 3 of Article 23 of Chapter 116 of the General Statutes reads
45 as rewritten:
46 "Part 3. North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program.
47 "§ 116-209.60. Definitions.
48 The following definitions apply in this Part:
49 (1) Commission. – The North Carolina Teaching Fellows Commission.
50 (2) Director. – The Director of the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program.
51 (3) Forgivable loan. – A forgivable loan made under the Program.
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1 (4) Program. – The North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program.
2 (5) Public school. – An elementary or secondary school located in North Carolina
3 that is governed by a local board of education, charter school board of
4 directors, regional school board of directors, or University of North Carolina
5 laboratory school board of trustees.
6 (6) STEM. – Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
7 (7) Trust Fund. – The North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program Trust Fund.
8 …
9 "§ 116-209.62. North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program established; administration.
10 (a) Program. – There is established the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program to be
11 administered by the System Office of The University of North Carolina, in conjunction with the
12 Authority and the Commission. The purpose of the Program is to recruit, prepare, and support
13 students residing in or attending institutions of higher education located in North Carolina for
14 preparation as highly effective STEM or special education teachers in the State's public schools.
15 The Program shall be used to provide a forgivable loan to individuals interested in preparing to
16 teach in the public schools of the State in STEM or special education licensure areas.State.
17 (b) Trust Fund. – There is established the North Carolina Teaching Fellows Program
18 Trust Fund to be administered by the Authority, in conjunction with the System Office of The
19 University of North Carolina. All funds (i) appropriated to, or otherwise received by, the Program
20 for forgivable loans and other Program purposes, (ii) received as repayment of forgivable loans,
21 and (iii) earned as interest on these funds shall be placed in the Trust Fund. The purpose of the
22 Trust Fund is to provide financial assistance to qualified students for completion of teacher
23 education and licensure programs to fill STEM or special education licensure areas in teach in
24 the public schools of the State.
25 (c) Uses of Monies in the Trust Fund. – The monies in the Trust Fund may be used only
26 for (i) forgivable loans granted under the Program, (ii) administrative costs associated with the
27 Program, including recruitment and recovery of funds advanced under the Program, (iii)
28 mentoring and coaching support to forgivable loan recipients, and (iv) extracurricular
29 enhancement activities of the Program in accordance with the following:
30 (1) The Authority shall transfer the greater of six hundred thousand dollars
31 ($600,000) or ten percent (10%) of the available funds from the Trust Fund to
32 the General Administration of The University of North Carolina System
33 Office at the beginning of each fiscal year for the Program's administrative
34 costs, the salary of the Director of the Program and other Program staff,
35 expenses of the Commission, and to provide the Commission with funds to
36 use for the extracurricular enhancement activities of the Program.
37 (2) The Authority may use the greater of two hundred fifty thousand dollars
38 ($250,000) or four percent (4%) of the funds appropriated to the Trust Fund
39 each fiscal year for administrative costs associated with the Program.
40 (3) The Authority shall provide the Commission with up to six hundred thousand
41 dollars ($600,000) from the Trust Fund in each fiscal year for the Commission
42 to provide mentoring and coaching support to forgivable loan recipients
43 through the North Carolina New Teacher Support Program in an amount of
44 up to two thousand two hundred dollars ($2,200) for each Program recipient.
45 Funds shall be prioritized for teachers serving in North Carolina public
46 schools identified as low-performing under G.S. 115C-105.37.
47 (d) Director of the Program. – The Board of Governors of The University of North
48 Carolina shall appoint a Director of the Program. The Director shall appoint staff to the
49 Commission and shall be responsible for recruitment and coordination of the Program, including
50 proactive, aggressive, and strategic recruitment of potential recipients. Efforts shall include
51 identifying and encouraging students of color and students who may not otherwise consider a
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1 career in teaching to enter the program. Recruitment activities shall include a broad-based
2 strategy (i) targeting regions of the State with the highest teacher attrition rates and teacher
3 recruitment challenges, challenges and (ii) actively engaging with educators, business leaders,
4 experts in human resources, elected officials, and other community leaders throughout the State,
5 and (iii) attracting candidates in STEM and special education licensure areas to the Program.
6 State to attract a diverse pool of applicants. The Director shall report to the President of The
7 University of North Carolina. The Authority shall provide office space and clerical support staff,
8 as necessary, to the Director for the Program.
9 (e) Student Selection Criteria for Forgivable Loans. – The Commission shall adopt
10 stringent standards for awarding forgivable loans based on multiple measures to ensure that only
11 the strongest applicants receive them, including the following:
12 (1) Grade point averages.
13 (2) Performance on relevant career and college readiness assessments.
14 (3) Experience, accomplishments, and other criteria demonstrating qualities
15 positively correlated with highly effective teachers, including excellent verbal
16 and communication skills.
17 (4) Demonstrated commitment to serve in a STEM or special education licensure
18 area in North Carolina public schools.
19 (f) Program Selection Criteria. – The Authority shall administer the Program in
20 cooperation with up to eight institutions of higher education with approved educator preparation
21 programs selected by the Commission that represent a diverse selection of both postsecondary
22 constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina and private postsecondary
23 institutions operating in the State. State, including minority-serving institutions. The
24 Commission shall adopt stringent standards for selection of the most effective educator
25 preparation programs, including the following:
26 (1) Demonstrates high rates of educator effectiveness on value-added models and
27 teacher evaluations, including using performance-based, subject-specific
28 assessment and support systems, such as edTPA or other metrics of evaluating
29 candidate effectiveness that have predictive validity.
30 (2) Demonstrates measurable impact of prior graduates on student learning,
31 including impact of graduates teaching in STEM or special education
32 licensure areas.
33 (3) Demonstrates high rates of graduates passing exams required for teacher
34 licensure.
35 (4) Provides curricular and co-curricular enhancements in leadership, facilitates
36 learning for diverse learners, and promotes community engagement,
37 classroom management, and reflection and assessment.
38 (5) Requires at least a minor concentration of study in the subject area that the
39 candidate may teach.
40 (6) Provides early and frequent internship or practical experiences, including the
41 opportunity for participants to perform practicums in diverse school
42 environments.
43 (7) Is approved by the State Board of Education as an educator preparation
44 program.
45 (g) Awards of Forgivable Loans. – The Program shall provide forgivable loans to selected
46 students to be used at up to eight selected institutions for completion of a program leading to
47 initial teacher licensure as follows:
48 (1) North Carolina high school seniors. – Forgivable loans of up to four thousand
49 one hundred twenty-five dollars ($4,125) per semester for up to eight
50 semesters.
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1 (2) Students applying for transfer to a selected educator preparation program at
2 an institution of higher education. – Forgivable loans of up to four thousand
3 one hundred twenty-five dollars ($4,125) per semester for up to six semesters.
4 (3) Individuals currently holding a bachelor's degree seeking preparation for
5 teacher licensure. – Forgivable loans of up to four thousand one hundred
6 twenty-five dollars ($4,125) per semester for up to four semesters.
7 (4) Students matriculating at institutions of higher education who are changing to
8 an approved program of study at a selected educator preparation program. –
9 Forgivable loans of up to four thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars
10 ($4,125) per semester for up to four semesters.
11 Forgivable loans may be used for tuition, fees, the cost of books, and expenses related to
12 obtaining licensure.
13 (g1) Extracurricular Enhancement Activities. – The Program shall provide planning,
14 training, and ongoing support for Program leaders and recipients, including training on topics
15 such as culturally responsive teaching, teaching students with disabilities, and trauma-informed
16 teaching.
17 (h) Identification of STEM and Special Education Licensure Areas. – The Superintendent
18 of Public Instruction shall identify and provide to the Commission and the Authority a list of
19 STEM and special education licensure areas and shall annually provide to the Commission the
20 number of available positions in each licensure area relative to the number of current and
21 anticipated teachers in that area of licensure