H.B. 149
Feb 20, 2023
Short Title: Remote Charter Academies. (Public)
Sponsors: Representative Elmore.
Referred to:
4 The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
5 SECTION 1. Article 14A of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes is amended by
6 adding a new Part to read:
7 "Part 7. Remote Charter Academies.
8 "§ 115C-218.120. Remote charter academies.
9 (a) As part of an application or modification of a charter, a nonprofit may apply to the
10 State Board of Education for approval to include a remote charter academy that meets the
11 requirements of this Part as part of the nonprofit's charter. A charter that includes a remote charter
12 academy may enroll students for both in-person instruction and in the remote charter academy.
13 (b) As part of the application or modification of a charter, the nonprofit shall designate
14 which of the following enrollment areas the remote charter academy will use to enroll students:
15 (1) A statewide remote charter academy that admits students in accordance with
16 G.S. 115C-218.45.
17 (2) A regional remote charter academy that, notwithstanding
18 G.S. 115C-218.45(a), admits students only from the county in which the
19 charter school is located and the counties of the State geographically
20 contiguous to that county.
21 (c) A remote charter academy provides instruction primarily online through a
22 combination of synchronous and asynchronous instruction delivered to students in a remote
23 location outside of the school facility. A remote charter academy may include any combination
24 of grade levels.
25 (d) Notwithstanding G.S. 115C-84.3, an approved remote charter academy may satisfy
26 the minimum required number of instructional days or hours for the school calendar through
27 remote instruction.
28 "§ 115C-218.121. Remote charter academy enrollment.
29 (a) A student shall not be assigned to attend a remote charter academy without parental
30 consent. A charter school shall require an application to secure parental consent prior to
31 enrollment of a student in a remote charter academy.
32 (b) A remote charter academy shall identify characteristics for successful remote learning
33 and establish criteria for admittance to a remote charter academy and shall make that information
34 available to parents.
35 (c) A student enrolled in the charter school may not be denied admission to the remote
36 charter academy solely on the basis that the student is a child with a disability. If a student is
General Assembly Of North Carolina Session 2023
1 admitted to a remote charter academy, that student's IEP team, as defined in G.S. 115C-106.3, or
2 section 504 team, 29 U.S.C. § 794, must plan for a successful student entry and accommodations
3 necessary to provide for a free appropriate public education in the remote charter academy.
4 (d) A charter school that provides in-person instruction may reassign a student to
5 in-person instruction during the school year if the board of directors determines that in-person
6 instruction would better ensure academic success for that student. The board of directors may
7 delegate this authority to the chief administrator of the school.
8 "§ 115C-218.122. Remote charter academy requirements.
9 (a) Except as provided in this Part, a remote charter academy shall meet the same
10 requirements as for other charter schools established by this Article.
11 (b) A remote charter academy shall provide all of the following to enrolled students:
12 (1) Any hardware and software needed to participate in the remote charter
13 academy. Students may not be charged rental fees but may be charged damage
14 fees for abuse or loss of hardware or software under rules adopted by the State
15 Board of Education.
16 (2) Access to a learning management platform that enables monitoring of student
17 performance and school-owned devices, as well as allows video conferencing
18 and supervised text-based chat for synchronous communication.
19 (3) Access to the internet that is available during instructional hours, evenings,
20 and weekends.
21 (4) Technical support that is available during instructional hours.
22 (5) For children with an individualized education program (IEP), as defined in
23 G.S. 115C-106.3, or a section 504 plan, 29 U.S.C. § 794, adaptive or assistive
24 devices, transportation, and in-person services as required by that program or
25 plan.
26 (c) A remote charter academy may require students to attend in person to fulfill
27 State-mandated student assessments. A remote charter academy may conduct optional in-person
28 meetings between students and instructors or parents and instructors at a charter school facility.
29 (d) The employees of a remote charter academy shall meet the same licensure and
30 evaluation requirements as required for in-person employees of charter schools. The remote
31 charter academy shall ensure sufficient digital teaching and learning support staff, including, at
32 a minimum, the following:
33 (1) An instructional technology facilitator.
34 (2) A school library media coordinator.
35 (3) A data manager.
36 (4) Sufficient remote technicians to ensure technical support throughout the
37 instructional day for staff and students.
38 "§ 115C-218.123. Remote charter academy approval process.
39 (a) A nonprofit seeking to provide a remote charter academy shall submit to the State
40 Board of Education as part of the application for approval or modification of a charter a plan that
41 provides for the following:
42 (1) Whether the enrollment area of the remote charter academy will be statewide
43 or regional.
44 (2) The range of grades for which the remote charter academy will offer courses.
45 (3) The method by which the remote charter academy will monitor calendar
46 compliance, enrollment, daily attendance, course credit accrual, progress
47 toward graduation, and course completion.
48 (4) Hardware, software, and learning management platforms that support online
49 learning.
50 (5) The measures used to ensure that both synchronous and asynchronous remote
51 instruction time, practice, and application components support learning
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1 growth that continues toward mastery of student achievement goals for the
2 school's educational program.
3 (6) The professional development that will be provided to those teaching in the
4 remote charter academy related to the pedagogy of providing remote
5 instruction.
6 (7) The identified characteristics for successful remote learning and criteria for
7 admission to the remote charter academy. The board of directors shall identify
8 the means by which information will be communicated to the parents and legal
9 guardians of prospective applicants and current enrollees about the remote
10 charter academy and those characteristics and criteria to allow for informed
11 decisions about enrollment.
12 (8) Any school nutrition services or transportation services that will be provided
13 to students.
14 (b) The State Board of Education shall review and approve a charter or charter
15 modification for the creation of a remote charter academy that meets the requirements established
16 in this Part for a term of five years. The State Board of Education shall approve a minimum of
17 two statewide remote charter academies that meet the qualifications of this Part.
18 "§ 115C-218.124. Operation and renewal of remote charter academies.
19 (a) Each approved remote charter academy shall adhere to the plan submitted to and
20 approved by the State Board of Education as part of the approved charter unless the board of
21 trustees obtains a charter modification.
22 (b) Each approved remote charter academy shall receive a school code.
23 (c) A nonprofit may apply for renewal of the remote charter academy for additional terms
24 of five years. The State Board shall consider compliance with the requirements of this Part and
25 success of the remote charter academy in the prior five years in determining whether to approve
26 a request for renewal of a remote charter academy.
27 "§ 115C-218.125. Evaluation.
28 The State Board of Education shall evaluate the success of remote charter academies
29 approved under this Part. Success shall be measured by school performance scores and grades,
30 retention rates, attendance rates, and, for grades nine through 12, high school completion and
31 dropout rates. The Board shall report by November 15 of each year to the Joint Legislative
32 Education Oversight Committee on the evaluation of these academies and on any recommended
33 statutory changes."
34 SECTION 2. G.S. 115C-218, 115C-218.1, 115C-218.2, 115C-218.3, 115C-218.5,
35 115C-218.6, 115C-218.7, and 115C-218.8 are codified into Part 1 of Article 14A of Chapter
36 115C of the General Statutes, Governance and Applications for Charter Schools.
37 G.S. 115C-218.10, 115C-218.15, 115C-218.20, 115C-218.25, 115C-218.30, 115C-218.35,
38 115C-218.37, 115C-218.40, 115C-218.42, 115C-218.45, 115C-218.50, 115C-218.55,
39 115C-218.60, 115C-218.65, 115C-218.70, 115C-218.75, 115C-218.80, 115C-218.85, and
40 115C-218.90 are codified into Part 2 of Article 14A of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes,
41 Operation of Charter Schools. G.S. 115C-218.94, 115C-218.95, and 115C-218.100 are codified
42 into Part 3 of Article 14A of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes, Evaluation of Charter Schools.
43 G.S. 115C-218.105 is codified into Part 4 of Article 14A of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes,
44 Funding of Charter Schools. G.S. 115C-218.110 is codified into Part 5 of Article 14A of Chapter
45 115C of the General Statutes, Reporting on Charter Schools. G.S. 115C-218.115 is codified into
46 Part 6 of Article 14A of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes, Charter Schools Pre-K Programs.
47 SECTION 3.(a) Section 8.35 of S.L. 2014-100, as amended by Section 8.13 of S.L.
48 2016-94, Section 7.13 of S.L. 2018-5, and Section 7.13 of S.L. 2022-74, reads as rewritten:
49 "SECTION 8.35.(a) Notwithstanding G.S. 115C-218.5 or any other provision of law to the
50 contrary, the State Board of Education shall establish a pilot program to authorize the operation
51 of two virtual charter schools serving students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. The State
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1 Board shall establish an application process to allow student enrollment in the selected virtual
2 charter schools beginning with the 2015-2016 school year. A virtual charter school participating
3 in the pilot may serve any grade span of students in kindergarten through twelfth grade. The pilot
4 program shall continue for a period of 10 11 school years and shall end with the 2024-2025
5 2025-2026 school year.
6 "SECTION 8.35.(b) The virtual charter schools participating in the pilot program authorized
7 by this section shall be subject to the statutes and rules applicable to charter schools pursuant to
8 Article 14A of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes, except as follows:
9 (1) The maximum student enrollment in any participating school shall be no
10 greater than 1,500 in its first year of operation and may increase by twenty
11 percent (20%) for each participating school up to a maximum student
12 enrollment of 2,592 in the fourth year of the pilot. The State Board of
13 Education may waive this maximum student enrollment threshold, beginning
14 in the fourth year of the school's operation, if the State Board determines that
15 doing so would be in the best interest of North Carolina students.for the
16 2023-2024 school year shall be the authorized student enrollment for that
17 participating school for the 2021-2022 school year plus enrollment growth of
18 up to twenty percent (20%) of that enrollment. For the remaining years of the
19 pilot, the participating schools may increase enrollment in accordance with
20 G.S. 115C-218.7(b).
21 …
22 "SECTION 8.35.(e) The State Board of Education shall provide State funding to a virtual
23 charter school participating in the pilot program as provided in G.S. 115C-218.105(a) and
24 G.S. 115C-218.105(b). The amount allocated pursuant to G.S. 115C-218.105(a)(1) shall not,
25 however, include the allocation for low-wealth counties supplemental funding and the allocation
26 for small county supplemental funding. Virtual charter schools participating in the pilot program
27 shall also be subject to the requirements in G.S. 115C-218.105(c) through G.S. 115C-218.105(e).
28 The amount of local funds provided to participating schools pursuant to G.S. 115C-218.105(c)
29 shall be the lesser of seven hundred ninety dollars ($790.00) per pupil or the amount computed
30 in accordance with G.S. 115C-218.105(c).
31 …."
32 SECTION 3.(b) A virtual charter school that participated in the pilot program
33 authorized by Section 8.35 of S.L. 2014-100, as amended by Section 8.13 of S.L. 2016-94,
34 Section 7.13 of S.L. 2018-5, Section 7.13 of S.L. 2022-74, and this section, shall be eligible to
35 apply to the State Board of Education for a charter renewal as a remote charter academy as
36 provided in Article 14A of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes.
37 SECTION 3.(c) This section is effective when it becomes law and applies beginning
38 with the 2023-2024 school year.
39 SECTION 4. Except as otherwise provided, this act is effective when it becomes law
40 and applies to applications for new charters and charter modifications beginning with the
41 2023-2024 school year.
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Statutes affected:
Edition 2: 115C-84.3
Edition 3: 115C-84.3, 115D-3
Ratified: 143-215.3, 166A-19.30
SL 2024-51: 143-215.3, 166A-19.30