The bill establishes a framework for volunteer security teams within organizations, allowing them to provide security at public events. It defines key terms such as "volunteer security team," "organization," and "declared emergency," and outlines the eligibility criteria for team members, which include being a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old, possessing a concealed carry permit or firearms certification, and passing a thorough background check. The bill mandates that organizations must have an emergency action plan and a security policy, as well as a structured application process for potential team members. Additionally, armed members of the security team must complete specific training and maintain records of their training.

The bill also provides legal protections for volunteer security team members, including civil immunity during declared emergencies and justification for the use of force in defense of individuals or property. It specifies that civil immunity applies only during emergencies on the organization's property or at sanctioned events. Furthermore, the bill exempts volunteer security team members from certain requirements under Title 37, chapter 60, thereby streamlining their ability to operate effectively in their roles.