The bill aims to revise vehicular traffic laws concerning pedestrian crossings by introducing the offense of endangerment of pedestrians, along with associated penalties and definitions. A new section outlines that individuals convicted of violating existing pedestrian laws (specifically 61-8-502) will face misdemeanor charges with escalating fines based on the number of offenses within a year. For instance, first-time offenders will incur a fine between $25 and $100, while repeat offenders may face fines up to $500. Additionally, if a violation occurs at a pedestrian crossing with an activated pedestrian-actuated device, the fine increases to a minimum of $150. The bill also establishes liability for drivers who damage pedestrian-actuated devices and allows courts to impose community service for those unable to pay fines.
Furthermore, the bill amends Section 61-8-502 to include specific provisions regarding pedestrian-actuated devices, requiring drivers to stop for pedestrians when such devices are activated. It clarifies that if a vehicle cannot safely stop before entering an intersection when the device is engaged, it may proceed at a safe speed. The bill also introduces definitions for "pedestrian-actuated device" and "vehicle," ensuring clarity in enforcement. Overall, the legislation seeks to enhance pedestrian safety and establish clear penalties for violations related to pedestrian crossings.
Statutes affected: LC Text: 61-8-502