The bill proposes to prohibit the enforcement of certain federal firearms laws in Montana. Specifically, it states that any federal law, rule, executive order, or regulation related to firearms that is enacted after November 9, 1889, and is more restrictive than existing Montana laws cannot be enforced by peace officers, state employees, or employees of political subdivisions. This provision aims to ensure that Montana's firearms regulations remain less restrictive than federal counterparts.

Additionally, the bill includes several new sections that outline its codification, severability, effective date, and retroactive applicability. It specifies that the new prohibition will be codified as part of Title 45, chapter 8, part 3, and establishes that if any part of the act is found invalid, the remaining valid parts will still be in effect. The act is set to take effect immediately upon passage and approval, and it applies retroactively to any federal laws or regulations enacted on or after November 8, 1889, including any new restrictive interpretations of existing laws.