The Montana Hunters First Act aims to address the impacts of nonresident hunting on deer and elk populations in the state. The bill mandates the Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks to conduct a comprehensive study that evaluates various factors such as hunter days, harvest reporting, and hunting pressure on public lands. This study will culminate in a publicly accessible report by December 1, 2026, which will include an assessment of nonresident impacts, data collection methods, and issues for legislative consideration.

Additionally, the bill introduces mandatory reporting requirements for individuals issued hunting licenses for game animals. Hunters must report their hunting activities before being eligible to purchase a new license in the following year. The Department is granted rulemaking authority to establish reporting systems, deadlines, and penalties for non-compliance. The provisions of the bill will take effect upon passage, with the reporting requirements becoming effective on March 1, 2026, and the study terminating on December 31, 2026.