The Montana Hunters First Act establishes a comprehensive study to assess the impacts of nonresident hunting on deer and elk populations in Montana. The Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks is tasked with conducting this study, which will analyze various data points such as hunter days, harvest reporting, and hunting pressure on public lands. The study aims to provide a detailed report that includes a comprehensive assessment of nonresident impacts, methods of data collection, and specific issues for legislative consideration. This report is required to be published and made accessible to the public by December 1, 2026.
The Act also includes provisions for its effective date and termination, stating that it will take effect upon passage and will terminate on December 31, 2026. The introduction of this legislation reflects growing concerns over the management of hunting seasons in Montana, particularly in light of increasing nonresident hunting license sales and the decline of private land enrolled in block management programs. The Act emphasizes the need for stakeholder involvement in addressing these challenges to ensure the sustainability of Montana's wildlife resources.