The resolution from the Senate of the State of Montana urges the United States Congress to propose a constitutional amendment that would empower both state and federal governments to regulate campaign financing, specifically by prohibiting corporate contributions and expenditures in elections. It emphasizes the importance of free and fair elections as a cornerstone of democracy and self-governance, highlighting the concerns of Montanans regarding the influence of corporate money in politics, particularly following the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, which undermined previous campaign finance protections established by the Montana Corrupt Practices Act.

The resolution reflects the will of the people of Montana, as demonstrated by the passage of Initiative Measure No. 166 in 2012, which asserted that money should not be equated with free speech and called for a level playing field in campaign spending. It calls for the Montana Congressional Delegation to act on this issue and for the amendment to be sent to the states for ratification, reinforcing the belief that the rights protected by the Constitution belong to individuals rather than corporations. The resolution also mandates that copies be sent to each member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to advocate for this proposed amendment.