68th Legislature 2023 HB 823.1
7 DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTIONS 15-70-123, 15-70-124, 15-70-701, 15-70-702, 15-70-703, 15-70-704,
8 15-70-705, 15-70-706, 15-70-707, 15-70-711, 15-70-712, 15-70-713, 15-70-714, 15-70-715, 15-70-716, 15-70-
13 Section 1. Section 15-70-123, MCA, is amended to read:
14 "15-70-123. Report by unlicensed petroleum fuel dealer -- definition -- penalty. (1) The
15 department of transportation may require a petroleum fuel dealer who is not licensed by the department under
16 Title 15, chapter 70, to file, within 30 days of the end of a quarter, on a form prescribed by the department a
17 report of the amount of fuel received and sold during the quarter. The report must also contain other information
18 as required by the department.
19 (2) As used in this section, "petroleum fuel dealer" means a dealer who:
20 (a) is directly or indirectly engaged in delivering, transporting, or distributing gasoline, aviation
21 gasoline, special fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or compressed natural gas (CNG) or alternative fuel in
22 this state; or
23 (b) offers or advertises to sell, refine, manufacture, or store gasoline, aviation gasoline, special
24 fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), or compressed natural gas (CNG) or alternative fuel in this state.
25 (3) A petroleum fuel dealer who fails to file the report required by subsection (1) shall be fined $50
26 for the first offense, $75 for the second offense, and $100 for the third and each subsequent offense."
28 Section 2. Section 15-70-124, MCA, is amended to read:
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1 "15-70-124. Agreements with other governmental entities relating to collection of certain fuel
2 taxes. (1) The department of transportation may enter into agreements relating to the administration and
3 taxation of gasoline, special fuels, and liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuels with state agencies of this state
4 and other states, agencies of the federal government, and agencies of foreign governments and provinces.
5 (2) The agreements may cover audits, exchange of information, licensure of sellers and users,
6 distribution, and other matters that the department considers necessary for the administration of the taxation of
7 gasoline, special fuels, and liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuels. In an agreement, the department may not
8 delegate powers to another governmental entity that involve levying fines, forfeitures, or penalties or that allow
9 the other governmental entity to revoke or otherwise impair a license or permit issued by the department."
11 Section 3. Section 15-70-701, MCA, is amended to read:
12 "15-70-701. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions apply:
13 (1) (a) "Alternative fuel" means a gas, liquid, or other fuel that, with or without adjustment or
14 manipulation such as adjustment or manipulation of pressure or temperature, is capable of being used for the
15 generation of power to propel a motor vehicle. The term includes but is not limited to compressed natural gas,
16 liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, hydrogen, or hydrogen compressed natural gas, such as
17 hythane.
18 (b) The term does not include motor fuel, leaded racing fuel, or an excluded liquid.
19 (2) "Alternative fuel dealer" means a person that is licensed or required to be licensed under 15-
20 70-702 that delivers alternative fuel into the fuel supply tank or tanks of a motor vehicle.
21 (1)(3) "Bond" means:
22 (a) a bond executed by a compressed natural gas dealer or a liquefied petroleum gas an
23 alternative fuel dealer as principal with a corporate surety qualified under the laws of Montana, payable to the
24 state of Montana, conditioned upon on performance of all requirements of this part, including the payment of all
25 taxes, penalties, and other obligations of the compressed natural gas dealer or the liquefied petroleum gas
26 alternative fuel dealer arising out of this part; or
27 (b) a deposit with the department by the compressed natural gas dealer or the liquefied petroleum
28 gas alternative fuel dealer, under terms and conditions that the department may prescribe, of certificates of
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1 deposit or irrevocable letters of credit issued by a bank and insured by the federal deposit insurance
2 corporation.
3 (2)(4) "Compressed natural gas" means a product that is used as a fuel and that contains carbon or
4 hydrogen, or both, and is compressed to greater than 24 pounds per square inch absolute base pressure and
5 up to 3,600 pounds per square inch absolute base pressure when sold for use in motor vehicles operated on
6 the public roads and highways of this state.
7 (3) "Compressed natural gas dealer" or "dealer" means a person who delivers any part of
8 compressed natural gas into the fuel supply tank or tanks of a motor vehicle.
9 (4)(5) "Department" means the department of transportation.
10 (6) "Hydrogen fuel" means fuel that produces electricity by combining hydrogen and oxygen
11 atoms.
12 (5)(7) "Liquefied petroleum gas" means any petroleum product that is sold for use in motor vehicles
13 and that is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of hydrocarbons:
14 (a) propane;
15 (b) propylene;
16 (c) butane, including normal butane or isobutane; or
17 (d) butylene.
18 (6) "Liquefied petroleum gas dealer" or "dealer" means a person who delivers any part of liquefied
19 petroleum gas into the fuel supply tank or tanks of a motor vehicle.
20 (7)(8) "Motor vehicle" means any vehicle that is self-propelled by compressed natural gas or by
21 liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuel and that is driven upon on the public roads and highways of this state.
22 (8)(9) (a) "Person" means a person, firm, association, joint-stock company, syndicate, partnership, or
23 corporation.
24 (b) When used in any clause prescribing and imposing a fine or imprisonment, or both, as applied
25 to a firm, association, syndicate, or partnership, person means the partners or members of a firm, association,
26 syndicate, or partnership. As applied to a joint-stock company or corporation, the term means the officers of the
27 joint-stock company or corporation.
28 (9)(10) "Public roads and highways of this state" means all streets, roads, highways, and related
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1 structures that are:
2 (a) built and maintained with appropriated funds of the United States, the state of Montana, or any
3 political subdivision of the state;
4 (b) dedicated to public use;
5 (c) acquired by eminent domain, as provided in Title 60, chapter 4, or Title 70, chapter 30; or
6 (d) acquired by adverse use by the public, with jurisdiction having been assumed by the state or
7 any political subdivision of the state."
9 Section 4. Section 15-70-702, MCA, is amended to read:
10 "15-70-702. Compressed natural gas dealer's or liquefied petroleum gas Alternative fuel
11 dealer's license. A person may not act as a compressed natural gas dealer or as a liquefied petroleum gas an
12 alternative fuel dealer in this state unless the person holds a valid compressed natural gas dealer's license or a
13 valid liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuel dealer's license issued by the department."
15 Section 5. Section 15-70-703, MCA, is amended to read:
16 "15-70-703. Application for license. An application for a compressed natural gas dealer's license or
17 a liquefied petroleum gas an alternative fuel dealer's license must be filed on a form prescribed by the
18 department. The application must contain information that the department considers necessary."
20 Section 6. Section 15-70-704, MCA, is amended to read:
21 "15-70-704. Bonding, release of surety, and additional bond. (1) Except as provided in this
22 section, a compressed natural gas dealer's license or a liquefied petroleum gas an alternative fuel dealer's
23 license may not be issued to a person and may not be continued in force unless the person has furnished a
24 bond, in a form prescribed by the department, to secure the dealer's compliance with this part and has paid all
25 taxes, interest, and penalties due under this part. The department shall waive the bond requirement of a
26 compressed natural gas dealer or a liquefied petroleum gas an alternative fuel dealer who is not subject to the
27 provisions of subsection (2)(a) or (2)(b).
28 (2) The total amount of the bond or bonds required must be equivalent to twice the compressed
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1 natural gas dealer's or the liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuel dealer's estimated quarterly tax payments but
2 may not be less than $1,000 for any compressed natural gas dealer or liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuel
3 dealer who:
4 (a) requests a compressed natural gas dealer's or a liquefied petroleum gas an alternative fuel
5 dealer's license to be reissued after the license was canceled for cause; or
6 (b) fails to file timely reports and pay the tax due as required by 15-70-714.
7 (3) A surety on a bond furnished as provided in this section must be released and discharged from
8 any liability to the state accruing on the bond after 30 days from the date when the surety has provided to the
9 department a written request to be released and discharged. However, this provision may not operate to
10 relieve, release, or discharge the surety from any liability already accrued or that accrues before the expiration
11 of the 30-day period. Upon On receiving a release request, the department shall promptly notify the
12 compressed natural gas dealer or the liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuel dealer who furnished the bond,
13 and unless the dealer, on or before the expiration of the 30-day period, files a new bond in accordance with the
14 requirements of this section or makes a deposit in lieu of a bond as described in 15-70-701(1)(b) 15-70-
15 701(3)(b), the department shall cancel the dealer's license.
16 (4) The department may require a compressed natural gas dealer or a liquefied petroleum gas an
17 alternative fuel dealer to give a new or additional surety bond or to deposit additional securities pursuant to 15-
18 70-701(1)(b) 15-70-701(3)(b) if the department determines that the security of the surety bond previously filed
19 by the dealer or the market value of the property deposited as security by the dealer is impaired or inadequate.
20 If the compressed natural gas dealer or the liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuel dealer fails to give an
21 additional surety bond or to deposit additional securities within 30 days after being requested to do so by the
22 department, the department shall cancel the dealer's license."
24 Section 7. Section 15-70-705, MCA, is amended to read:
25 "15-70-705. Issuance of license -- grounds for refusal -- hearing. (1) Except as provided in
26 subsection (2), upon on receipt of the application and bond in proper form, the department shall issue to the
27 applicant a license to act as a compressed natural gas dealer or as a liquefied petroleum gas an alternative fuel
28 dealer. A license is valid until suspended, revoked for cause, or otherwise canceled.
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1 (2) The department may refuse to issue a compressed natural gas dealer's license or a liquefied
2 petroleum gas an alternative fuel dealer's license to any person:
3 (a) who formerly held a license that, prior to the time of filing the application, has been revoked for
4 cause;
5 (b) who is not the real party in interest, and the license of the real party in interest has been
6 revoked for cause prior to the time of filing the application; or
7 (c) upon on other sufficient cause being shown.
8 (3) Before refusing to issue a license, the department shall grant the applicant a hearing and shall
9 provide the dealer with at least 10 days' written notice of the time and place of hearing.
10 (4) A compressed natural gas dealer's license or a liquefied petroleum gas An alternative fuel
11 dealer's license is not transferable."
13 Section 8. Section 15-70-706, MCA, is amended to read:
14 "15-70-706. Revocation of license -- notice. (1) The department may revoke the license of any
15 compressed natural gas dealer or liquefied petroleum gas alternative fuel dealer for reasonable cause. Before
16 revoking a license, the department shall notify the licensee of the department's intent to revoke the license. The
17 notice must be made by certified mail addressed to the licensee's last-known address shown in the files of the
18 department. The notice must include a statement that the licensee has the right to appear before the
19 department at a time specified in the notice and to show cause, if any, why the license should not be revoked.
20 The time specified by the department may not be more than 30 days or less than 10 days from the date of the
21 notice. At any time prior to and during the hearing, the department may in the exercise of reasonable discretion
22 suspend the license.
23 (2) Upon On revocation of a license, the licensee shall immediately surrender the license to the
24 department for cancellation."
26 Section 9. Section 15-70-707, MCA, is amended to read:
27 "15-70-707. Cancellation of license upon on surrender. The department shall cancel a license to
28 act as a compressed natural gas dealer or as a liquefied petroleum gas an alternative fuel dealer immediately
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1 upon on surrender of the license by the licensee."
3 Section 10. Section 15-70-711, MCA, is amended to read:
4 "15-70-711. Tax on compressed natural gas, hydrogen fuel, -- tax on liquefied petroleum gas,
5 and alternative fuels. (1) Each compressed natural gas An alternative fuel dealer shall collect the tax on
6 compressed natural gas from the user at the time that the compressed natural gas is placed into the supply
7 tank of a motor vehicle.
8 (2) (a) The total tax due on compressed natural gas is computed according to the formula provided
9 in subsection (2)(b).
10 (b) T = (R/V) x TV, where:
11 (i) T is the total tax due;
12 (ii) R is 7 cents;
13 (iii) V is 120 cubic feet of compressed natural gas at 14.73 pounds per square inch absolute base
14 pressure; and
15 (iv) TV is the total volume of compressed natural gas placed into the supply tank of a motor
16 vehicle.
17 (3) The compressed natural gas alternative fuel dealer shall pay the tax to the department as
18 provided in 15-70-714.
19 (4) Each liquefied petroleum gas An alternative fuel dealer shall collect the tax on liquefied
20 petroleum gas from the user at the time that the liquefied petroleum gas is placed into the supply tank of a
21 motor vehicle.
22 (5) (a) The total tax due on liquefied petroleum gas is computed according to the formula provided
23 in subsection (5)(b).
24 (b) T = (C/G) x TG, where:
25 (i) T is the total tax due;
26 (ii) C is 5.18 cents;
27 (iii) G is 1 gallon of liquefied petroleum gas; and
28 (iv) TG is the total gallons of liquefied petroleum gas placed into the supply tank of a motor vehicle.