This bill aims to revise and update the laws governing surety bail bond insurance. It establishes specific qualifications and requirements for obtaining a surety bail bond insurance license, including necessary training for applicants. Additionally, the bill clarifies the arrest authority of bail bond surety insurance producers, ensuring they have the appropriate legal backing to perform their duties.
Furthermore, the legislation revises existing surplus lines insurance laws and updates the rulemaking authority of the Commissioner of Insurance. It amends several sections of the Montana Code Annotated (MCA), specifically sections 33-17-212, 33-26-106, 33-26-108, 46-9-401, and 46-9-510, to reflect these changes and improvements in the regulatory framework for surety bail bond insurance. The bill also includes provisions for effective dates to ensure timely implementation of the new regulations.
Statutes affected: HB0808_1.pdf: 33-2-306, 33-17-212, 33-26-108, 46-9-401, 46-9-510
HB0808_2.pdf: 33-2-306, 33-17-212, 33-26-108, 46-9-401, 46-9-510
HB0808_3.pdf: 33-2-306, 33-17-212, 33-26-108, 46-9-401, 46-9-510
Amended: 33-2-306, 33-17-212, 33-26-106, 33-26-108, 46-9-401, 46-9-510
Introduced: 33-2-306, 33-17-212, 33-26-108, 46-9-401, 46-9-510