**** 68th Legislature 2023 HB 587.1 1 HOUSE BILL NO. 587 2 INTRODUCED BY L. JONES, E. BUTTREY, D. SALOMON, S. FITZPATRICK, G. HERTZ, D. ZOLNIKOV, M. 3 REGIER, D. LOGE, F. ANDERSON, S. VINTON, T. WELCH, J. ELLSWORTH, K. BOGNER, B. GILLESPIE, J. 4 KASSMIER, D. BEDEY, B. LER, K. ZOLNIKOV, L. REKSTEN, K. WALSH, B. BARKER 5 6 A BILL FOR AN ACT ENTITLED: “AN ACT GENERALLY REVISING SCHOOL FINANCE LAWS; 7 ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL EQUALIZATION AND PROPERTY TAX REDUCTION ACCOUNT IN THE STATE 8 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND; PROVIDING THAT THE REVENUE FROM THE SCHOOL EQUALIZATION 9 LEVIES IS DEPOSITED IN THE ACCOUNT AND THAT THE ACCOUNT IS THE SECOND SOURCE OF 10 FUNDING FOR STATE EQUALIZATION AID FOLLOWING THE GUARANTEE ACCOUNT; PROVIDING 11 ADJUSTMENTS TO SCHOOL FUNDING EQUALIZATION MECHANISMS BASED ON REVENUE 12 DEPOSITED IN THE ACCOUNT; INCREASING THE COUNTY RETIREMENT GTB MULTIPLIER TO LOWER 13 COUNTY PROPERTY TAXES; CLARIFYING AND PROVIDING A CAP ON BASE GTB ADJUSTMENTS 14 FROM MARIJUANA REVENUE; REVISING DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTIONS 20-9-331, 20-9-333, 20-9- 15 360, 20-9-366, 20-9-525, AND 20-9-622, MCA; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE.” 16 17 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MONTANA: 18 19 NEW SECTION. Section 1. School equalization and property tax reduction account -- uses. (1) 20 There is a school equalization and property tax reduction account in the state special revenue fund. Contingent 21 on appropriation by the legislature, money in the account is for distribution to school districts as the second 22 source of funding for state equalization aid as provided in 20-9-343. At fiscal yearend, any fund balance in the 23 account exceeding what was appropriated must be transferred to the guarantee account established in 20-9- 24 622. 25 (2) The account receives revenue as described in 20-9-331, 20-9-333, and 20-9-360. 26 (3) Beginning in fiscal year 2025, each December the superintendent of public instruction shall 27 forecast the amount of revenue the account will receive in that fiscal year by dividing the sum of the taxable 28 value of all property in the state reported by the department of revenue pursuant to 20-9-369 by 1,000 to -1- Authorized Print Version – HB 587 **** 68th Legislature 2023 HB 587.1 1 determine a statewide value mill and then multiplying that amount by 95 mills, or the number of mills calculated 2 by the department of revenue under 15-10-420(8) for the applicable fiscal year. If the forecasted amount differs 3 from the amount determined through the same calculation in the prior fiscal year by $2 million or more and is: 4 (a) less, then the superintendent shall: 5 (i) decrease the multiplier used to calculate the statewide elementary and high school guaranteed 6 tax base ratios used for funding BASE budgets under 20-9-366 to the nearest whole number determined by the 7 superintendent to result in a decrease in the amount of guaranteed tax base aid distributed to eligible school 8 districts equal to 85% of the decrease in the calculated amount between the 2 years; and 9 (ii) decrease the multiplier used to calculate the statewide elementary and high school mill value 10 per ANB for school retirement guaranteed tax base purposes under 20-9-366 to the nearest whole number 11 determined by the superintendent to result in a decrease in the amount of retirement guaranteed tax base aid 12 distributed to eligible school districts equal to 15% of the decrease in the calculated amount between the 2 13 years; 14 (b) more, then the superintendent shall increase the multipliers used in the guaranteed tax base 15 formulas under 20-9-366 and in the formula for school major maintenance aid under 20-9-525 to the nearest 16 whole number by an amount calculated by the superintendent to result in an increase in the amount of 17 guaranteed tax base aid and school major maintenance aid distributed to eligible counties and school districts 18 equal to one-third of the increase in the calculated amount between the 2 years in the following order, with any 19 amount exceeding the caps under subsections (3)(b)(i) through (3)(b)(iii) flowing to the next mechanism: 20 (i) first, the multiplier used in calculating the statewide mill value per elementary and high school 21 ANB for retirement purposes, not to exceed 305%; 22 (ii) second, the multiplier used in calculating the amount of state school major maintenance aid 23 support for each dollar of local effort, not to exceed 365%; and 24 (iii) third, the multiplier used in calculating the facility guaranteed mill value per ANB for school 25 facility entitlement guaranteed tax base purposes, not to exceed 300%. 26 (4) (a) The adjustments to the multipliers under subsection (3) are applicable to state equalization 27 aid distributions in the fiscal year following the adjustment. 28 (b) Adjustments to the multipliers made under subsection (3) remain in effect in subsequent years -2- Authorized Print Version – HB 587 **** 68th Legislature 2023 HB 587.1 1 unless further changed under 20-9-366 or subsection (3) of this section or as otherwise provided by law. 2 3 Section 2. Section 20-9-331, MCA, is amended to read: 4 "20-9-331. Basic county tax for elementary equalization and other revenue for county 5 equalization of elementary BASE funding program. (1) Subject to 15-10-420, the county commissioners of 6 each county shall levy an annual basic county tax of 33 mills on the dollar of the taxable value of all taxable 7 property within the county, except for property subject to a tax or fee under 61-3-321(2) or (3), 61-3-529, 61-3- 8 537, 61-3-562, 61-3-570, and 67-3-204, for the purposes of elementary equalization and state BASE funding 9 program support. The revenue collected from this levy must be apportioned to the support of the elementary 10 BASE funding programs of the school districts in the county and to the state general fund school equalization 11 and property tax reduction account established in [section 1] in the following manner: 12 (a) In order to determine the amount of revenue raised by this levy that is retained by the county, 13 the sum of the estimated revenue identified in subsection (2) must be subtracted from the total of the BASE 14 funding programs of all elementary districts of the county. 15 (b) If the basic levy and other revenue prescribed by this section produce more revenue than is 16 required to repay a state advance for county equalization, the county treasurer shall remit the surplus funds to 17 the department of revenue, as provided in 15-1-504, for deposit to the state general fund immediately upon 18 occurrence of a surplus balance and each subsequent month, with any final remittance due no later than June 19 20 of the fiscal year for which the levy has been set. 20 (2) The revenue realized from the county's portion of the levy prescribed by this section and the 21 revenue from the following sources must be used for the equalization of the elementary BASE funding program 22 of the county as prescribed in 20-9-335, and a separate accounting must be kept of the revenue by the county 23 treasurer in accordance with 20-9-212(1): 24 (a) the portion of the federal Taylor Grazing Act funds designated for the elementary county 25 equalization fund under the provisions of 17-3-222; 26 (b) the portion of the federal flood control act funds distributed to a county and designated for 27 expenditure for the benefit of the county common schools under the provisions of 17-3-232; 28 (c) all money paid into the county treasury as a result of fines for violations of law, except money -3- Authorized Print Version – HB 587 **** 68th Legislature 2023 HB 587.1 1 paid to a justice's court, and the use of which is not otherwise specified by law; 2 (d) any money remaining at the end of the immediately preceding school fiscal year in the county 3 treasurer's accounts for the various sources of revenue established or referred to in this section; 4 (e) any federal or state money distributed to the county as payment in lieu of property taxation, 5 including federal forest reserve funds allocated under the provisions of 17-3-213; 6 (f) gross proceeds taxes from coal under 15-23-703; and 7 (g) oil and natural gas production taxes." 8 9 Section 3. Section 20-9-333, MCA, is amended to read: 10 "20-9-333. Basic county tax for high school equalization and other revenue for county 11 equalization of high school BASE funding program. (1) Subject to 15-10-420, the county commissioners of 12 each county shall levy an annual basic county tax of 22 mills on the dollar of the taxable value of all taxable 13 property within the county, except for property subject to a tax or fee under 61-3-321(2) or (3), 61-3-529, 61-3- 14 537, 61-3-562, 61-3-570, and 67-3-204, for the purposes of high school equalization and state BASE funding 15 program support. The revenue collected from this levy must be apportioned to the support of the BASE funding 16 programs of high school districts in the county and to the state general fund school equalization and property 17 tax reduction account established in [section 1] in the following manner: 18 (a) In order to determine the amount of revenue raised by this levy that is retained by the county, 19 the sum of the estimated revenue identified in subsection (2) must be subtracted from the sum of the county's 20 high school tuition obligation and the total of the BASE funding programs of all high school districts of the 21 county. 22 (b) If the basic levy and other revenue prescribed by this section produce more revenue than is 23 required to repay a state advance for county equalization, the county treasurer shall remit the surplus funds to 24 the department of revenue, as provided in 15-1-504, for deposit to the state general fund immediately upon 25 occurrence of a surplus balance and each subsequent month, with any final remittance due no later than June 26 20 of the fiscal year for which the levy has been set. 27 (2) The revenue realized from the county's portion of the levy prescribed in this section and the 28 revenue from the following sources must be used for the equalization of the high school BASE funding program -4- Authorized Print Version – HB 587 **** 68th Legislature 2023 HB 587.1 1 of the county as prescribed in 20-9-335, and a separate accounting must be kept of the revenue by the county 2 treasurer in accordance with 20-9-212(1): 3 (a) any money remaining at the end of the immediately preceding school fiscal year in the county 4 treasurer's accounts for the various sources of revenue established in this section; 5 (b) any federal or state money distributed to the county as payment in lieu of property taxation, 6 including federal forest reserve funds allocated under the provisions of 17-3-213; 7 (c) gross proceeds taxes from coal under 15-23-703; and 8 (d) oil and natural gas production taxes." 9 10 Section 4. Section 20-9-360, MCA, is amended to read: 11 "20-9-360. State equalization aid levy. Subject to 15-10-420, there is a levy of 40 mills imposed by 12 the county commissioners of each county on all taxable property within the state, except property for which a 13 tax or fee is required under 61-3-321(2) or (3), 61-3-529, 61-3-537, 61-3-562, 61-3-570, and 67-3-204. 14 Proceeds of the levy must be remitted to the department of revenue, as provided in 15-1-504, and must be 15 deposited to the credit of the state school general equalization fund and property tax reduction account 16 established in [section 1] for state equalization aid to the public schools of Montana." 17 18 Section 5. Section 20-9-366, MCA, is amended to read: 19 "20-9-366. Definitions. As Subject to adjustments pursuant to [section 1], as used in 20-9-366 20 through 20-9-371, the following definitions apply: 21 (1) "County retirement mill value per elementary ANB" or "county retirement mill value per high 22 school ANB" means the sum of the taxable valuation in the previous year of all property in the county divided by 23 1,000, with the quotient divided by the total county elementary ANB count or the total county high school ANB 24 count used to calculate the elementary school districts' and high school districts' prior year total per-ANB 25 entitlement amounts. 26 (2) (a) "District guaranteed tax base ratio" for guaranteed tax base funding for the BASE budget of 27 an eligible district means the taxable valuation in the previous year of all property in the district, except for 28 property value disregarded because of protested taxes under 15-1-409(2) or property subject to the creation of -5- Authorized Print Version – HB 587 **** 68th Legislature 2023 HB 587.1 1 a new school district under 20-6-326, divided by the district's prior year GTBA budget area. 2 (b) "District mill value per ANB", for school facility entitlement purposes, means the taxable 3 valuation in the previous year of all property in the district, except for property subject to the creation of a new 4 school district under 20-6-326, divided by 1,000, with the quotient divided by the ANB count of the district used 5 to calculate the district's prior year total per-ANB entitlement amount. 6 (3) "Facility guaranteed mill value per ANB", for school facility entitlement guaranteed tax base 7 purposes, means, subject to adjustment under [section 1], the sum of the taxable valuation in the previous year 8 of all property in the state, multiplied by 140% and divided by 1,000, with the quotient divided by the total state 9 elementary ANB count or the total state high school ANB count used to calculate the elementary school 10 districts' and high school districts' prior year total per-ANB entitlement amounts. 11 (4) "Guaranteed tax base aid budget area" or "GTBA budget area" means the portion of a district's 12 BASE budget after the following payments are subtracted: 13 (a) direct state aid; 14 (b) the total data-for-achievement payment; 15 (c) the total quality educator payment; 16 (d) the total at-risk student payment; 17 (e) the total Indian education for all payment; 18 (f) the total American Indian achievement gap payment; and 19 (g) the state special education allowable cost payment. 20 (5) (a) Except as provided in subsection (6), "Statewide elementary guaranteed tax base ratio" or 21 "statewide high school guaranteed tax base ratio", for guaranteed tax base funding for the BASE budget of an 22 eligible district, means, subject to adjustment under [section 1], the sum of the taxable valuation in the previous 23 year of all property in the state, multiplied by 250% for fiscal year 2022 and 254% for fiscal year 2023 and each 24 succeeding fiscal year and divided by the prior year statewide GTBA budget area for the state elementary 25 school districts or the state high school districts. For fiscal year 2024 and subsequent fiscal years, the 26 superintendent of public instruction shall increase the multiplier, not to exceed 262%, in this subsection (5)(a) 27 as follows: 28 (i) for fiscal years 2024 through 2031, if the revenue transferred to the state general fund pursuant -6- Authorized Print Version – HB 587 **** 68th Legislature 2023 HB 587.1 1 to 16-12-111 in the prior fiscal year is at least $1 million more than the revenue transferred in the fiscal year 2 2 years prior, then: 3 (A) multiply the amount of increased revenue transferred to the state general fund pursuant to 16- 4 12-111 in the prior fiscal year above the amount of revenue transferred in the fiscal year 2 years prior by 0.25, 5 divide the resulting product by $500,000, and round to the nearest whole number; and 6 (B) add the number derived in subsection (5)(a)(i)(A) as a percentage point increase to: 7 (I) if the prior year was not affected by a contingency under subsection (6), the multiplier used for the 8 prior fiscal year; or 9 (II) if the prior year was affected by a contingency under subsection (6), the multiplier for the prior fiscal 10 year had the prior fiscal year not been affected by a contingency under subsection (6); 11 (ii) for fiscal years 2024 through 2031, if the revenue transferred to the state general fund pursuant