AN ACT TO BRING FORWARD SECTIONS 23-15-801, 23-15-803, 23-15-805, 23-15-807, 23-15-809, 23-15-811, 23-15-813, 23-15-815, 23-15-817, 23-15-819 AND 23-15-821, MISSISSIPPI CODE OF 1972, WHICH PROVIDE FOR THE DISCLOSURE OF CAMPAIGN FINANCES, FOR THE PURPOSES OF POSSIBLE AMENDMENT; AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES.

Statutes affected:
As Introduced: 23-15-801, 23-15-803, 23-15-805, 23-15-807, 23-15-809, 23-15-811, 23-15-813, 23-15-815, 23-15-817, 23-15-819, 23-15-821
Committee Substitute: 23-15-801, 23-15-803, 23-15-805, 23-15-807, 23-15-809, 23-15-811, 23-15-813, 23-15-815, 23-15-817, 23-15-819, 23-15-821
As Passed by the Senate: 23-15-801, 23-15-803, 23-15-805, 23-15-807, 23-15-809, 23-15-811, 23-15-813, 23-15-815, 23-15-817, 23-15-819, 23-15-821