3160H.01I JOSEPH ENGLER, Chief Clerk
JOINT RESOLUTION Submitting to the qualified voters of Missouri an amendment to Article III of the Constitution of Missouri, by adopting one new section relating to a joint committee on conservation oversight.
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring therein:
That at the next general election to be held in the state of Missouri, on Tuesday next 2 following the first Monday in November, 2026, or at a special election to be called by the 3 governor for that purpose, there is hereby submitted to the qualified voters of this state, for 4 adoption or rejection, the following amendment to Article III of the Constitution of the state 5 of Missouri: Section A. Article III, Constitution of Missouri, is amended by adopting one new 2 section, to be known as Section 54, to read as follows: Section 54. 1. There is hereby established a permanent joint committee on 2 conservation oversight. 3 2. (1) The joint committee shall consist of: 4 (a) Three state representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of 5 representatives, one of whom shall be a member of the minority party; and 6 (b) Three state senators appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate, 7 one of whom shall be a member of the minority party. 8 (2) The members of the joint committee shall select a chair from among the 9 members of the joint committee.
EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language. HJR 101 2
10 (3) (a) The speaker of the house of representatives may discharge any member 11 of the joint committee appointed by the speaker at any time and appoint a successor. 12 (b) The president pro tempore of the senate may discharge any member of the 13 joint committee appointed by the president pro tempore at any time and appoint a 14 successor. 15 3. (1) The joint committee shall meet when necessary to perform the duties 16 assigned to it in this section or by general law. 17 (2) A member of the joint committee shall receive no compensation in addition to 18 the member's salary as a member of the general assembly but may receive 19 reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred while attending official 20 meetings of the joint committee. 21 4. The duties of the joint committee shall be as follows: 22 (1) To receive requests for approval from the department of conservation and 23 the conservation commission relating to: 24 (a) Changes to any rule or regulation promulgated by the department or the 25 commission; 26 (b) The purchase of any parcel of real property by the department or the 27 commission; 28 (c) The selection of a director or deputy director of the department; and 29 (d) Other matters relating to the department or the commission submitted for 30 the joint committee's consideration as provided by general law; and 31 (2) To vote to approve or reject such requests for approval. 32 5. (1) The department of conservation and the conservation commission shall 33 submit items listed in paragraphs (a) to (d) of subdivision (1) of subsection 4 of this 34 section to the joint committee for the joint committee's approval or rejection before 35 acting on such items. 36 (2) The procedure and manner of the department's and commission's 37 submission of requests shall be determined by general law. 38 6. The joint committee shall perform any other duties related to the department 39 of conservation and the conservation commission as provided by general law. ✔