3224H.01I JOSEPH ENGLER, Chief Clerk

AN ACT To repeal sections 477.060, 477.170, and 477.180, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof four new sections relating to judicial proceedings.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Sections 477.060, 477.170, and 477.180, RSMo, are repealed and four 2 new sections enacted in lieu thereof, to be known as sections 188.140, 477.060, 477.170, and 3 477.180, to read as follows: 188.140. 1. As used in this section, the following terms mean: 2 (1) "Abortion": 3 (a) The act of using or prescribing any instrument, device, medicine, drug, or 4 any other means or substance with the intent to destroy the life of an embryo or fetus in 5 his or her mother's womb; or 6 (b) The intentional termination of the pregnancy of a mother by using or 7 prescribing any instrument, device, medicine, drug, or other means or substance with an 8 intention other than to increase the probability of a live birth or to remove a dead 9 unborn child; 10 (2) "Pro-life individual or organization", any individual or any nonprofit 11 domestic firm, partnership, association, or corporation, including those which operate 12 under the standards of section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended, 13 where the interests or purposes of such individual or organization include, but shall not 14 be limited to, protecting the sanctity of life or defending the right to life of all humans, 15 born and unborn;

EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language. HB 1581 2

16 (3) "Unborn child", the offspring of human beings from the moment of 17 conception until birth and at every stage of its biological development, including the 18 human conceptus, zygote, morula, blastocyst, embryo, and fetus. 19 2. Any pro-life individual or organization may intervene in any action in which a 20 provision of the Constitution of Missouri, any Missouri statute, or any Missouri rule 21 that involves the regulation of abortion or where the rights of an unborn child is at issue. 22 The first pro-life individual or organization to file for intervention shall represent the 23 rights of the unborn child in such proceeding and shall have the right to file such 24 pleading necessary on behalf of the unborn child. Any other pro-life individuals or 25 organizations may submit amicus curiae briefs on their own behalf or on behalf of the 26 unborn child. 477.060. The jurisdiction of the southern district of the court of appeals shall be 2 coextensive with the counties of Barry, Barton, Butler, Camden, Cedar, Carter, Christian, 3 Dade, Dallas, Douglas, Greene, Howell, Hickory, Jasper, Laclede, Lawrence, McDonald, 4 Newton, Ozark, Oregon, Polk, Pulaski, Phelps, Ripley, St. Clair, Shannon, Stone, Texas, 5 Taney, Webster, Wright, Dent, Crawford, Maries, Cole, Miller, Reynolds, Iron, Wayne, 6 Bollinger, Scott, Stoddard, Dunklin, Pemiscot, New Madrid and Mississippi. 477.170. There shall be [eleven] seven judges of the western district of the court of 2 appeals. 477.180. There shall be [seven] ten judges of the southern district of the court of 2 appeals. ✔

Statutes affected:
Introduced (3224H.01): 188.140, 477.060, 477.170, 477.180