2891H.01I JOSEPH ENGLER, Chief Clerk
AN ACT To amend chapter 1, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to state department revenue from management of state natural resources.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 1, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be 2 known as section 1.226, to read as follows: 1.226. 1. As used in this section, "state department" means each department, 2 division, office, board, bureau, commission, or other unit of the executive branch of state 3 government. 4 2. Each state department that receives any revenues in the course of such 5 department's management of the state's natural resources shall remit the amount of 6 such revenues that is above the amount authorized by statute for such department to 7 retain for administrative purposes and as provided in subsection 3 of this section to the 8 county in which such natural resources are located as provided in this section. 9 3. A state department may retain twenty-five percent of such amounts described 10 in subsection 2 of this section. The remaining seventy-five percent shall be remitted to 11 counties as follows: 12 (1) To the county general fund of the county in which such natural resources are 13 located, fifty percent; and 14 (2) To each school district in which such natural resources are located, twenty- 15 five percent. 16 4. This section shall become effective beginning on January first of the year 17 immediately following the passage and approval by the voters of a constitutional
EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language. HB 1343 2
18 amendment submitted to them by the general assembly regarding authorization for the 19 general assembly to enact laws to provide for the method and proportion of remittances 20 of state department revenues from management of state natural resources. ✔
Statutes affected: