2867H.01I JOSEPH ENGLER, Chief Clerk

AN ACT To repeal sections 161.1050 and 161.1055, RSMo, relating to the trauma-informed schools initiative.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Sections 161.1050 and 161.1055, RSMo, are repealed, to read as follows: [161.1050. 1. There is hereby established within the department of 2 elementary and secondary education the "Trauma-Informed Schools 3 Initiative". 4 2. The department of elementary and secondary education shall 5 consult the department of mental health and the department of social services 6 for assistance in fulfilling the requirements of this section. 7 3. The department of elementary and secondary education shall: 8 (1) Provide information regarding the trauma-informed approach to all 9 school districts; 10 (2) Offer training on the trauma-informed approach to all school 11 districts, which shall include information on how schools can become trauma- 12 informed schools; and 13 (3) Develop a website about the trauma-informed schools initiative 14 that includes information for schools and parents regarding the trauma- 15 informed approach and a guide for schools on how to become trauma- 16 informed schools. 17 4. Each school district shall provide the address of the website 18 described under subdivision (3) of subsection 3 of this section to all parents of 19 the students in its district before October first of each school year. 20 5. For purposes of this section, the following terms mean: 21 (1) "Trauma-informed approach", an approach that involves 22 understanding and responding to the symptoms of chronic interpersonal 23 trauma and traumatic stress across the lifespan;

EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language. HB 1332 2

24 (2) "Trauma-informed school", a school that: 25 (a) Realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands 26 potential paths for recovery; 27 (b) Recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in students, 28 teachers, and staff; 29 (c) Responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into its 30 policies, procedures, and practices; and 31 (d) Seeks to actively resist retraumatization.]

[161.1055. 1. Subject to appropriations, the department of elementary 2 and secondary education shall establish the "Trauma-Informed Schools Pilot 3 Program". 4 2. Under the trauma-informed schools pilot program, the department 5 of elementary and secondary education shall choose five schools to receive 6 intensive training on the trauma-informed approach. 7 3. The five schools chosen for the pilot program shall be located in the 8 following areas: 9 (1) One public school located in a metropolitan school district; 10 (2) One public school located in a home rule city with more than four 11 hundred thousand inhabitants and located in more than one county; 12 (3) One public school located in a school district that has most or all of 13 its land area located in a county with a charter form of government and with 14 more than nine hundred fifty thousand inhabitants; 15 (4) One public school located in a school district that has most or all of 16 its land area located in a county with a charter form of government and with 17 more than six hundred thousand but fewer than seven hundred thousand 18 inhabitants; and 19 (5) One public school located in any one of the following counties: 20 (a) A county of the third classification without a township form of 21 government and with more than forty-one thousand but fewer than forty-five 22 thousand inhabitants; 23 (b) A county of the third classification without a township form of 24 government and with more than six thousand but fewer than seven thousand 25 inhabitants and with a city of the fourth classification with more than eight 26 hundred but fewer than nine hundred inhabitants as the county seat; 27 (c) A county of the third classification with a township form of 28 government and with more than thirty-one thousand but fewer than thirty-five 29 thousand inhabitants; 30 (d) A county of the third classification without a township form of 31 government and with more than fourteen thousand but fewer than sixteen 32 thousand inhabitants and with a city of the third classification with more than 33 five thousand but fewer than six thousand inhabitants as the county seat; 34 (e) A county of the third classification without a township form of 35 government and with more than eighteen thousand but fewer than twenty 36 thousand inhabitants and with a city of the fourth classification with more than 37 three thousand but fewer than three thousand seven hundred inhabitants as the 38 county seat; HB 1332 3

39 (f) A county of the third classification without a township form of 40 government and with more than eighteen thousand but fewer than twenty 41 thousand inhabitants and with a city of the third classification with more than 42 six thousand but fewer than seven thousand inhabitants as the county seat; 43 (g) A county of the third classification without a township form of 44 government and with more than fourteen thousand but fewer than sixteen 45 thousand inhabitants and with a city of the fourth classification with more than 46 one thousand nine hundred but fewer than two thousand one hundred 47 inhabitants as the county seat; 48 (h) A county of the third classification without a township form of 49 government and with more than thirty-seven thousand but fewer than forty-one 50 thousand inhabitants and with a city of the fourth classification with more than 51 eight hundred but fewer than nine hundred inhabitants as the county seat; 52 (i) A county of the third classification with a township form of 53 government and with more than twenty-eight thousand but fewer than thirty- 54 one thousand inhabitants; or 55 (j) A county of the third classification without a township form of 56 government and with more than twelve thousand but fewer than fourteen 57 thousand inhabitants and with a city of the fourth classification with more than 58 five hundred but fewer than five hundred fifty inhabitants as the county seat. 59 4. The department of elementary and secondary education shall: 60 (1) Train the teachers and administrators of the five schools chosen for 61 the pilot program regarding the trauma-informed approach and how to become 62 trauma-informed schools; 63 (2) Provide the five schools with funds to implement the trauma- 64 informed approach; and 65 (3) Closely monitor the progress of the five schools in becoming 66 trauma-informed schools and provide further assistance if necessary. 67 5. The department of elementary and secondary education shall 68 terminate the trauma-informed schools pilot program on August 28, 2019. 69 Before December 31, 2019, the department of elementary and secondary 70 education shall submit a report to the general assembly that contains the results 71 of the pilot program, including any benefits experienced by the five schools 72 chosen for the program. 73 6. (1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the "Trauma- 74 Informed Schools Pilot Program Fund". The fund shall consist of any 75 appropriations to such fund. The state treasurer shall be custodian of the fund. 76 In accordance with sections 30.170 and 30.180, the state treasurer may 77 approve disbursements of public moneys in accordance with distribution 78 requirements and procedures developed by the department of elementary and 79 secondary education. The fund shall be a dedicated fund and, upon 80 appropriation, moneys in the fund shall be used solely for the administration of 81 this section. 82 (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080 to the contrary, 83 any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to 84 the credit of the general revenue fund. HB 1332 4

85 (3) The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the fund in the same 86 manner as other funds are invested. Any interest and moneys earned on such 87 investments shall be credited to the fund. 88 7. For purposes of this section, the following terms mean: 89 (1) "Trauma-informed approach", an approach that involves 90 understanding and responding to the symptoms of chronic interpersonal 91 trauma and traumatic stress across the lifespan; 92 (2) "Trauma-informed school", a school that: 93 (a) Realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands 94 potential paths for recovery; 95 (b) Recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in students, 96 teachers, and staff; 97 (c) Responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into its 98 policies, procedures, and practices; and 99 (d) Seeks to actively resist retraumatization. 100 8. The provisions of this section shall expire December 31, 2019.]

Statutes affected:
Introduced (2867H.01): 161.1050, 161.1055