1535H.01I JOSEPH ENGLER, Chief Clerk
AN ACT To amend chapter 376, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to insurance coverage for in vitro fertilization.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 376, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be 2 known as section 376.1194, to read as follows: 376.1194. 1. For purposes of this section, the terms "health carrier" and "health 2 benefit plan" shall have the same meanings given to the terms in section 376.1350. 3 2. Each health carrier or health benefit plan that offers or issues health benefit 4 plans that are delivered, issued for delivery, continued, or renewed in this state on or 5 after January 1, 2026, shall provide coverage for in vitro fertilization. 6 3. Coverage required under this section shall include services and procedures 7 performed at a medical facility licensed or certified by the department of health and 8 senior services or another state health department that conform to the guidelines and 9 minimum standards of the: 10 (1) American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for in vitro fertilization 11 clinics; or 12 (2) American Society for Reproductive Medicine for programs of in vitro 13 fertilization. 14 4. The provisions of this section shall not apply to a supplemental insurance 15 policy, including a life care contract, accident-only policy, specified disease policy, 16 hospital policy providing a fixed daily benefit only, Medicare supplement policy, long- 17 term care policy, short-term major medical policy of six months' or less duration, or any
EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language. HB 1323 2
18 other supplemental policy as determined by the director of the department of commerce 19 and insurance. ✔
Statutes affected: