2887H.01I JOSEPH ENGLER, Chief Clerk

AN ACT To repeal section 60.510, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof one new section relating to surveying duties of the department of agriculture.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Section 60.510, RSMo, is repealed and one new section enacted in lieu 2 thereof, to be known as section 60.510, to read as follows: 60.510. The functions, duties and responsibilities of the department of agriculture 2 shall be as follows: 3 (1) To restore, maintain, and preserve the land survey monuments, section corners, 4 and quarter section corners established by the United States public land survey within 5 Missouri, together with all pertinent field notes, plats and documents; and also to restore, 6 establish, maintain, and preserve Missouri state and county boundary markers and other 7 boundary markers considered by the department of agriculture to be of importance, or 8 otherwise established by law; 9 (2) To design and cause to be placed at established public land survey corner sites, 10 where practical, substantial monuments permanently indicating, with words and figures, the 11 exact location involved, but if such monuments cannot be placed at the exact corner point, 12 then witness corners of similar design shall be placed as nearby as possible, with words and 13 figures indicating the bearing and distance to the true corner; 14 (3) To establish, maintain, and provide safe storage facilities for a comprehensive 15 system of recordation of information respecting all monuments established by the United 16 States public land survey within this state, and such records as may be pertinent to the

EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language. HB 1318 2

17 department of agriculture's establishment or maintenance of other land corners, Missouri state 18 plane coordinate system stations and accessories, and survey monuments in general; 19 (4) To restore and monument the centerline geometry of all railroad rights of 20 way within the state of Missouri that have been abandoned by the United States Surface 21 Transportation Board (STB) or previously by the United States Interstate Commerce 22 Commission (ICC); 23 (5) To provide the framework for all geodetic positioning activities in the state. The 24 foundational elements include latitude, longitude, and elevation which contribute to informed 25 decision making and impact on a wide range of important activities including mapping and 26 geographic information systems, flood risk determination, transportation, land use and 27 ecosystem management and use of the Missouri state plane coordinate system, as established 28 by sections 60.401 to 60.496; 29 [(5)] (6) To collect and preserve information obtained from surveys made by those 30 authorized to establish land monuments or land boundaries, and to assist in the proper 31 recording of the same by the duly constituted county officials, or otherwise; 32 [(6)] (7) To furnish, upon reasonable request and tender of the required fees therefor, 33 certified copies of records created or maintained by the department of agriculture which, 34 when certified by the state land surveyor or a designated assistant, shall be admissible in 35 evidence in any court in this state, as the original record; and 36 [(7)] (8) To prescribe, and disseminate to those engaged in the business of land 37 surveying, regulations designed to assist in uniform and professional surveying methods and 38 standards in this state. ✔

Statutes affected:
Introduced (2887H.01): 60.510