AN ACT To appropriate money for supplemental purposes for the several departments and offices of state government, and for the payment of various claims for refunds, for persons, firms, and corporations, and for other purposes, and to transfer money among certain funds, from the funds designated for the fiscal period ending June 30, 2025.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

1 There is appropriated out of the State Treasury, chargeable to the fund and for the 2 agency and purpose designated, for the period ending June 30, 2025, as follows:

1 Section 14.005. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For refunds 4 From Federal Funds ...................................................................................................$2,440,000

1 Section 14.010. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For distributions to the free public schools of $157,443,387 under the 4 School Foundation Program as provided in Chapter 163, RSMo, 5 provided that no funds are used to support the distribution or 6 sharing of any individually identifiable student data for non- 7 educational purposes, marketing, or advertising, as follows: 8 For the Foundation Formula, provided that the State Adequacy Target 9 pursuant to Section 163.011, RSMo, shall not exceed $6,760 10 From General Revenue Fund .................................................................................$142,443,387

11 For the Small Schools Program HB 14 2

12 From General Revenue Fund ............................................................................... 15,000,000 13 Total .......................................................................................................................$157,443,387

1 Section 14.015. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For State Board of Education operated school programs 4 Expense and Equipment 5 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund ....................................$3,000,000

1 Section 14.020. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Performance Based Assessment Program, provided that 4 no funds are used to support the collection, distribution, or 5 sharing of any individually identifiable student data with the 6 federal government; with the exception of the reporting 7 requirements of the Migrant Education Program funds in Section 8 2.195, the Vocational Rehabilitation funds in Section 2.265, and 9 the Disability Determination Funds in Section 2.270, and further 10 provided that no funds from this section shall be used for license 11 fees or membership dues for the Smarter Balanced Assessment 12 Consortium

13 From General Revenue Fund ........................................................................................$700,000 14 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund ......................................2,059,962 15 From Lottery Proceeds Fund ............................................................................... 300,000 16 Total ...........................................................................................................................$3,059,962

1 Section 14.025. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Office of College and Career Readiness 4 For distributions to providers of career and technical education programs 5 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund ....................................$2,701,460

1 Section 14.030. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Missouri Healthy Schools, Successful Students Program 4 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund .........................................$65,975 HB 14 3

1 Section 14.035. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Comprehensive Literacy Development Program 4 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund ....................................$5,800,000

1 Section 14.040. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Supporting Effective Instruction Grants Program pursuant to 4 Title II of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 5 as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 6 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund ....................................$6,097,126

1 Section 14.045. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For language acquisition pursuant to Title III of the Elementary and 4 Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended by the Every 5 Student Succeeds Act of 2015 6 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund .......................................$263,934

1 Section 14.050. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Vocational Rehabilitation Program 4 From Vocational Rehabilitation Fund .....................................................................$15,532,183

1 Section 14.055. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Disability Determination Program 4 From Vocational Rehabilitation Fund .......................................................................$3,344,106

1 Section 14.060. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For distributions to educational institutions for the Adult Basic Education 4 Program 5 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund ....................................$1,553,523

1 Section 14.065. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Special Education Program 4 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund ..................................$26,786,892 HB 14 4

1 Section 14.070. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For special education excess costs 4 From General Revenue Fund ...................................................................................$14,705,004

1 Section 14.075. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Office of Childhood 4 For the Early Childhood Special Education Program 5 From General Revenue Fund ...................................................................................$20,792,763

1 Section 14.080. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Office of Childhood 4 For the early childhood comprehensive system 5 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund .......................................$537,043

1 Section 14.085. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Office of Childhood 4 For receiving and expending early childhood education grants 5 From Child Care and Development Block Grant Federal Fund ...................................$700,000

1 Section 14.090. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For the Office of Childhood 4 For the First Steps Program 5 From General Revenue Fund ...................................................................................$15,208,574 6 From Elementary and Secondary Education – Federal Fund .............................. 1,318,086 7 Total .........................................................................................................................$16,526,660

1 Section 14.095. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury to the Charter 4 School Revolving Capital Improvement Fund 5 From General Revenue Fund .....................................................................................$2,000,000 HB 14 5

1 Section 14.100. To the Department of Elementary and Secondary 2 Education 3 For a loan program for new and existing charter schools to support capital 4 improvement projects and acquisitions 5 From Charter School Revolving Capital Improvement Fund ....................................$2,000,000

1 Section 14.105. To the Department of Higher Education and Workforce 2 Development 3 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury to the Access 4 Missouri Financial Assistance Fund 5 From General Revenue Fund .....................................................................................$4,800,000

1 Section 14.110. To the Department of Higher Education and Workforce 2 Development 3 For the Access Missouri Financial Assistance Program pursuant to 4 Chapter 173, RSMo 5 From Access Missouri Financial Assistance Fund ....................................................$6,200,000

1 Section 14.115. To the Department of Higher Education and Workforce 2 Development 3 For the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant Program, provided that 4 any Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant toward a scholarship 5 at a private four-year institution is limited to not more than the 6 in-state tuition and fees for the University of Missouri-Columbia, 7 and further provided that any Fast Track Workforce Incentive 8 Grant toward a scholarship at a private two-year institution is 9 limited to not more than the in-state tuition, fees, and charges at 10 a most comparable program at any Missouri two-year public 11 community college or the State Technical College of Missouri 12 From Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant Fund ...................................................$3,000,000

1 Section 14.120. To the State Technical College of Missouri 2 For the payment of refunds set off against debt as required by Section 3 143.786, RSMo 4 From Debt Offset Escrow Fund ........................................................................................$2,000

1 Section 14.125. To the University of Central Missouri 2 For the payment of refunds set off against debt as required by Section 3 143.786, RSMo HB 14 6

4 From Debt Offset Escrow Fund ....................................................................................$100,000

1 Section 14.130. To Missouri State University 2 For the payment of refunds set off against debt as required by Section 3 143.786, RSMo 4 From Debt Offset Escrow Fund ......................................................................................$50,000

1 Section 14.135. To the Department of Revenue 2 For refunds for overpayment or erroneous payment of any tax or any 3 payment credited to the General Revenue Fund 4 From General Revenue Fund ...................................................................................$69,600,000

1 Section 14.140. To the Department of Revenue 2 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury to the 3 General Revenue Fund in the amount of sixty-six hundredths 4 percent of the funds received 5 From Parks Sales Tax Fund ............................................................................................$27,423

1 Section 14.145. To the Department of Revenue 2 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury to the 3 General Revenue Fund in the amount of sixty-six hundredths 4 percent of the funds received 5 From Soil and Water Sales Tax Fund .............................................................................$27,423

1 Section 14.150. To the Department of Revenue 2 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury, chargeable 3 to the General Revenue Fund, to the State Highways and 4 Transportation Department Fund, for reimbursement of 5 collection expenditures in excess of the three percent (3%) limit 6 established by Article IV, Sections 29, 30(a), 30(b), and 30(c) of 7 the Constitution of Missouri 8 From General Revenue Fund .....................................................................................$4,225,262

1 Section 14.155. To the Department of Revenue 2 For the State Lottery Commission 3 For payments to vendors for costs of the design, manufacture, licensing, 4 leasing, processing, and delivery of games administered by the 5 State Lottery Commission 6 From Lottery Enterprise Fund ...................................................................................$1,600,000 HB 14 7

1 Section 14.160. To the Department of Revenue 2 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury to the Lottery 3 Enterprise Fund 4 From State Lottery Fund ............................................................................................$1,600,000

1 Section 14.165. To the Office of Administration 2 For the Information Technology Services Division 3 For the Department of Public Safety 4 Expense and Equipment 5 From Missouri Veterans’ Homes Fund.........................................................................$354,900

1 Section 14.170. To the Office of Administration 2 For the Division of Facilities Management, Design and Construction 3 Asset Management 4 For any and all expenditures necessary for funding the operations of the 5 Board of Public Buildings, state-owned and leased office 6 buildings, institutional facilities, laboratories, and support 7 facilities 8 Expense and Equipment 9 From State Facility Maintenance and Operation Fund ..............................................$1,958,288

1 Section 14.175. To the Office of Administration 2 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury to various 3 state agency funds 4 From Proceeds of Surplus Property Sales Fund ........................................................$3,000,000

1 Section 14.180. To the Office of Administration 2 For the Division of General Services 3 For rebillable expenses and for the replacement or repair of damaged 4 equipment when recovery is obtained from a third party 5 Expense and Equipment 6 From Office of Administration Revolving Administrative Trust Fund .....................$1,770,000

1 Section 14.185. To the Office of Administration 2 For those services provided through the Office of Administration that are 3 contracted with and reimbursed by the Board of Trustees of the 4 Missouri Public Entity Risk Management Fund as provided by 5 Chapter 537, RSMo HB 14 8

6 Personal Service 7 From Office of Administration Revolving Administrative Trust Fund ..........................$44,000

1 Section 14.190. To the Office of Administration 2 For the Division of Accounting 3 For payment of the state’s purchase debt requirements 4 From General Revenue Fund ...................................................................................$17,200,000

1 Section 14.195. To the Office of Administration 2 For the Division of Accounting 3 For interest payments on federal grant monies in accordance with the 4 Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990 and 1992, and any 5 other interest or penalties due to the federal government 6 From General Revenue Fund .....................................................................................$4,437,384

1 Section 14.200. To the Office of Administration 2 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury, such 3 amounts as may be necessary for corrections to fund balances 4 From Federal and Other Funds .....................................................................................$750,000

1 Section 14.205. To the Office of Administration 2 For the Division of Accounting 3 For payments to counties for county correctional prosecution 4 reimbursements pursuant to Sections 50.850 and 50.853, RSMo 5 From General Revenue Fund ..........................................................................................$30,000

1 Section 14.210. To the Office of Administration 2 For transferring funds for the state’s contribution to the Missouri 3 Consolidated Health Care Plan to the Missouri Consolidated 4 Health Care Plan Benefit Fund 5 From General Revenue Fund .....................................................................................$8,932,100

1 Section 14.215. To the Office of Administration 2 For the Division of General Services 3 For the provision of workers’ compensation benefits to state employees 4 through either a self-insurance program administered by the 5 Office of Administration and/or by contractual agreement with a 6 private carrier, and for administrative and legal expenses 7 authorized, in part, by Section 105.810, RSMo HB 14 9

8 From General Revenue Fund .....................................................................................$3,400,000

1 Section 14.220. To the Department of Agriculture 2 For the Office of the Director 3 Personal Service ................................................................................................$195,559 4 Expenses and Equipment ......................................................................... 5,909,599 5 From Department of Agriculture Federal Fund .........................................................$6,105,158

1 Section 14.225. To the Department of Natural Resources 2 For water infrastructure grants and loans 3 From Water and Wastewater Loan Revolving Fund .............................................$144,865,833

1 Section 14.230. To the Department of Economic Development 2 Funds are to be transferred out of the State Treasury, such 3 amounts generated by redevelopment projects, as required by 4 Section 99.1092, RSMo, to the Downtown Revitalization 5 Preservation Fund 6 From General Revenue Fund ........................................................................................$204,185

1 Section 14.235. To the Department of Economic Development 2 For the Downtown Revitalization Preservation Program as provided in 3 Sections 99.1080 to 99.1092, RSMo 4 From Downtown Revitalization Preservation Fund ..........................................