WHEREAS, Missouri is uniquely positioned, with abundant natural resources, fertile 2 farmland, and innovative communities, to lead the nation in advancing sustainable economic 3 growth and job creation; and 4 5 WHEREAS, the health and prosperity of Missouri families and farmers are 6 dependent on clean air, clean water, and fertile soil, which are under threat from increasing 7 environmental challenges; and 8 9 WHEREAS, Missouri's agricultural sector, small businesses, and energy producers 10 have the potential to benefit from investments in renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, 11 and climate-resilient farming practices; and 12 13 WHEREAS, transitioning to a clean energy economy presents an opportunity to 14 create thousands of good-paying jobs, strengthen rural communities, and reduce the reliance 15 on out-of-state energy imports; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the long-term cost of inaction on climate change will disproportionately 18 harm Missouri's farmers, workers, and vulnerable populations through increased flooding, 19 droughts, and other extreme weather events: 20 21 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the House of 22 Representatives of the One Hundred Third General Assembly, First Regular Session, the 23 Senate concurring therein, are committed to supporting clean energy and job creation by 24 supporting legislation that: 25 HCR 17 2

26 (1) Expands solar, wind, and bioenergy production to generate one-hundred percent of 27 Missouri's electricity from renewable sources by 2040, prioritizing rural areas for project 28 development; 29 (2) Establishes training programs for renewable energy installation, maintenance, and 30 manufacturing in partnership with Missouri's community colleges and vocational schools; 31 (3) Incentivizes farmers to install wind turbines, solar panels, and biogas systems on 32 their land, creating supplemental income streams and boosting energy independence; and 33 34 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the general assembly commits to encouraging 35 climate-resilient agriculture by creating programs that: 36 37 (1) Provide grants and tax credits for farmers who adopt cover cropping, no-till 38 farming, and crop rotation practices to sequester carbon and reduce erosion; 39 (2) Expand funding for irrigation efficiency programs and promote buffer zones 40 around rivers to protect water quality; and 41 (3) Invest in local food supply chains and farmers' markets to reduce emissions 42 associated with long-distance transportation and support Missouri farmers; and 43 44 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the general assembly is committed to 45 supporting infrastructure and transportation by: 46 47 (1) Upgrading bridges, roads, and levees to withstand extreme weather events, 48 ensuring safety for communities and reliability for commerce; 49 (2) Supporting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) by expanding EV charging 50 infrastructure across the state, particularly in rural areas, and offering incentives for EV 51 purchases; and 52 (3) Investing in efficient public transportation systems in Missouri's urban centers to 53 reduce emissions and improve accessibility; and 54 55 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the general assembly urges the protection of 56 natural resources and communities by: 57 58 (1) Increasing funding for flood mitigation projects and community resilience plans, 59 particularly in flood-prone regions along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers; 60 (2) Expanding state conservation initiatives to preserve forests, wetlands, and 61 grasslands, which play a critical role in carbon sequestration and wildlife protection; and HCR 17 3

62 (3) Ensuring that underserved communities disproportionately affected by pollution 63 and climate change receive priority access to clean energy investments and infrastructure 64 improvements; and 65 66 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the general assembly is committed to taking 67 steps to support the goals outlined in this resolution by: 68 69 (1) Encouraging private sector investment in clean energy and infrastructure through 70 state-supported tax incentives and grants; 71 (2) Establishing renewable energy and climate-resilient agriculture as priorities in 72 Missouri's rural development zones, boosting local economies while addressing 73 environmental challenges; 74 (3) Ensuring that every program or policy under this resolution is implemented in a 75 way that minimizes costs and maximizes economic benefits for Missouri taxpayers; 76 (4) Establishing a council of Missouri farmers, energy producers, and small business 77 leaders to advise on the implementation of renewable energy and agricultural programs; and 78 (5) Requiring the Department of Conservation, working in conjunction with the 79 Department of Natural Resources and any other necessary departments, to submit an annual 80 report to the General Assembly on the progress of renewable energy adoption, job creation, 81 and environmental outcomes; and 82 83 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the general assembly recognizes and supports 84 efforts to establish a Heartland Initiative in order to ensure that the state's economy, 85 environment, and communities thrive for generations to come; and 86 87 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Clerk of the Missouri House of 88 Representatives be instructed to prepare and properly inscribe a copy of this resolution to 89 send to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President Pro Tempore of the Senate. ✔