2760H.01I JOSEPH ENGLER, Chief Clerk
AN ACT To authorize the conveyance of certain state property.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section 1. 1. The governor is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, 2 grant, convey, remise, release, and forever quitclaim all interest of the state of Missouri 3 in property located in the County of Jackson, Missouri, to the state highways and 4 transportation commission. The real property to be conveyed is a tract of land being a 5 portion of the tract described in the warranty deed, recorded in book 656, at page 111, at 6 the Jackson County, Missouri, recorder of deeds office and located in part of the 7 southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 8, township 47 north, range 31 8 west in the City of Lee's Summit, Jackson County, Missouri, and being more 9 particularly described as follows: 10 Commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast 11 quarter of said section 8, thence along the east line of said southeast quarter, 12 north 02°18'16" east, 556.74 feet; thence leaving said east line, north 87°49'52" 13 west, 61.56 feet, to a point on the north line of said tract, and being a point on the 14 west right-of-way line of north highway 291 , the point of beginning; 15 Thence from the point of beginning, along said west right-of-way line, south 03° 16 13'16" west, 165.09 feet, to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of highway 17 50, as now established; thence along said northerly right-of-way line, south 43° 18 45'38" west, 35.96 feet; thence leaving said northerly right-of-way line, along a 19 non-tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 3647.77 feet, an arc length of 20 47.96 feet, a chord bearing of north 06°05'02" east, and a chord length of 47.96
EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language. HB 1232 2
21 feet; thence along a non-tangent line to the last described curve, north 06°06'36" 22 east, 43.60 feet; thence along a non-tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 23 162.00 feet, an arc length of 99.35 feet, a chord bearing of north 70°59'36" west, 24 and a chord length of 97.80 feet; thence north 01°12'54" east, 72.29 feet, to a 25 point on the north line of said tract; thence along the north line of said tract, 26 south 87°49'52" east, 115.44 feet, to the point of beginning and contains 11,237 27 square feet, more or less. 28 2. The office of administration and the state highways and transportation 29 commission shall set the terms and conditions for the conveyance, including the 30 consideration, except that such consideration shall not exceed one dollar. Such terms 31 and conditions may include, but not be limited to, the number of appraisals required 32 and the time, place, and terms of the conveyance. 33 3. The attorney general shall approve the form of the instrument of conveyance. Section 2. 1. The governor is hereby authorized and empowered to sell, transfer, 2 grant, convey, remise, release, and forever quitclaim all interest of the state of Missouri 3 in property located in the County of Jackson, Missouri, to the state highways and 4 transportation commission. The real property to be conveyed is a tract of land being a 5 portion of the tract described in the warranty deed, recorded in book 656, at page 111, at 6 the Jackson County, Missouri, recorder of deeds office and located in part of the 7 southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 8, township 47 north, range 31 8 west in the City of Lee's Summit, Jackson County, Missouri, and being more 9 particularly described as follows: 10 Commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast 11 quarter of said section 8, thence along the east line of said southeast quarter, 12 north 02°18'16" east, 556.74 feet; thence leaving said east line, north 87°49'52" 13 west, 61.56 feet, to a point on the north line of said tract, and being a point on the 14 west right-of-way line of north highway 291; thence along the north line of said 15 tract, north 87°49'52" west, 115.44 feet, to the point of beginning; 16 Thence from the point of beginning, leaving said north line, south 01°12'54" 17 west, 72.29 feet; thence along a non-tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 18 162.00 feet, an arc length of 99.35 feet, a chord bearing of south 70°59'36" east, 19 and a chord length of 97.80 feet; thence along a nontangent line to the last 20 described curve, south 06°06'36" west, 43.60 feet; thence along a nontangent 21 curve to the left, having a radius of 3647.77 feet, an arc length of 47.96 feet, a 22 chord bearing of south 06°05'02" west, a chord length of 47.96 feet to a point on 23 the northerly right-of-way line of highway 50, as now established; thence along 24 said northerly right-of-way line, the following 4 calls and distances; thence south HB 1232 3
25 43°45'38" west, 109.45 feet; thence south 47°03'17" west, 88.50 feet; thence along 26 a tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 418.31 feet, an arc length of 27 228.27 feet, a chord bearing of south 62°41'17" west, and a chord length of 225.45 28 feet; thence along a line non-tangent to the last described curve, south 81°35'49" 29 west, 75.63 feet, to a point on the west line of said tract; thence along the west line 30 of said tract, north 02°18'31 " east, 461.34 feet, to the northwest corner of said 31 tract; thence along the north line of said tract, south 87°49'52" east, 316.04 feet, 32 to the point of beginning and contains 142,042 square feet, more or less. 33 2. The office of administration and the state highways and transportation 34 commission shall set the terms and conditions for the conveyance, including the 35 consideration, except that such consideration shall not exceed one dollar. Such terms 36 and conditions may include, but not be limited to, the number of appraisals required 37 and the time, place, and terms of the conveyance. 38 3. The attorney general shall approve the form of the instrument of conveyance. ✔