2507H.01I JOSEPH ENGLER, Chief Clerk

AN ACT To amend chapter 305, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to liability insurance for unmanned aircraft operators.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Chapter 305, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be 2 known as section 305.905, to read as follows: 305.905. 1. As used in this section, the term "unmanned aircraft" means an 2 aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from 3 within or on board the aircraft. 4 2. A private individual who owns an unmanned aircraft shall not operate the 5 unmanned aircraft in this state, or permit another private individual to operate the 6 unmanned aircraft in this state, unless the private individual owner maintains a policy 7 of liability insurance that insures against loss from the liability imposed by law for 8 damages arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of such unmanned aircraft, 9 subject to the following minimum amounts exclusive of interest and costs: 10 (1) At least twenty-five thousand dollars because of bodily injury to, or the death 11 of, one person in any one accident; 12 (2) Subject to the limit in subdivision (1) of this subsection, at least fifty thousand 13 dollars because of bodily injury to, or the death of, two or more persons in any one 14 accident; and 15 (3) At least twenty-five thousand dollars because of injury to, or destruction of, 16 property of others in any one accident. ✔

EXPLANATION — Matter enclosed in bold-faced brackets [thus] in the above bill is not enacted and is intended to be omitted from the law. Matter in bold-face type in the above bill is proposed language.

Statutes affected:
Introduced (2507H.01): 305.905