SPONSOR: Simmons

This bill requires all initiative and referendum petitions submitted to the Secretary of State to be accompanied by a certification that no activity was funded by sources prohibited by law and that the proponents or committee responsible for the petition will not receive, solicit, or accept any contribution or expenditure from a source prohibited by law.

The bill requires donors to submit to campaign treasurers affirmations that they have not knowingly or willfully accepted funds in excess of $100,000 from sources prohibited from contributing to political campaigns in the four-year period preceding the date of the contribution.

The bill adds affirmations that campaign committees have not knowingly or willfully received, solicited, or accepted contributions or expenditures from prohibited sources to the list of disclosure reports required to be filed by campaign committees to the Missouri Ethics Commission.

This bill prohibits a foreign national, as defined in the bill, from participating in the decision-making process of any person with regard to that person's activities to influence an initiative or referendum petition, including contributions and expenditures.

This bill is similar to HB 793 (2025).

Statutes affected:
Introduced (2172H.02): 116.100, 130.036, 130.041, 130.190