SPONSOR: Stinnett

Upon voter approval, this constitutional amendment prohibits abortions, except in cases of medical emergencies, fetal anomalies, rape, or incest. In the case of abortions performed or induced because of rape or incest, the abortion may be performed or induced no later than 12 weeks gestational age of the unborn child and only if documentation is presented to the attending physician that the rape or incest has been reported to a law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction to investigate the complaint at least 48 hours prior to the abortion.

The amendment also prohibits public funds from being used to pay for abortions; prohibits the use of surgeries, hormones, or drugs to assist a child with a gender transition; and holds that any person who intentionally or negligently causes damage to another person relating to the provision of reproductive health care or the performance or inducement of an abortion is liable for damages and subject to suspension or revocation of his or her medical license. Under this constitutional amendment, a woman's right to reproductive freedom includes the right to health care in cases of miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, and other medical emergencies. The General Assembly will have the authority to enact laws to carry out these provisions.

This bill is similar to SJR 33 (2025).