This bill adds any county that borders the Lake of the Ozarks to an existing statutory authorization allowing the creation of a theater, cultural arts, and entertainment district.
The bill also defines a "Lakefront Entertainment District". The Supervisor of Alcohol and Tobacco Control may issue a Lakefront Entertainment District Special License to applicants who meet requirements specified in the bill. Licenseholders will be authorized to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink for retail consumption during specified hours. Any applicant granted a license must pay a $300 yearly license fee per district in addition to the fees required for each individual licensee.
Patrons of establishments that serve alcohol located within a Lakefront Entertainment District are authorized to leave those establishments with alcoholic beverages and bring the beverages with them into other areas of the Lakefront Entertainment District.
Additional requirements for licenseholders in Lakefront Entertainment Districts are provided in the bill. The governing body of the local government in which the Lakefront Entertainment District is located is authorized to adopt ordinances for the approval or rejection of such districts as well as additional rules and regulations related to the districts.
Statutes affected: