SB 485 - Under current law, elections for school board members are held on either the general municipal election day or such day as is specified in the county charter, with terms of office ranging from three years to six years, depending on the district. This act requires all such elections to be held at the November general election and makes all such terms four years.

This act has a delayed effective date of January 1, 2026.

This act is similar to HB 2536 (2024), SB 234 (2023), and provisions in SB 740 (2022), HCS/HB 2306 (2022), HB 361 (2019), and HCS/HB 1424 (2018).


Statutes affected:
Introduced (1556S.01): 162.082, 162.083, 162.221, 162.223, 162.241, 162.261, 162.291, 162.301, 162.341, 162.431, 162.459, 162.471, 162.481, 162.492, 162.601, 162.821, 162.825, 162.865, 162.867, 162.910