SB 143 - This act modifies provisions relating to public safety.


Under current law, the superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol provides a salary schedule report to the Governor and General Assembly which includes a comparison of the salaries of police officers of the three largest police departments in the state.

This act adds that the salary schedule report shall also include a comparison of the salaries and benefits of police officers employed by the Iowa State Patrol, the Nebraska State Patrol, the Illinois State Police, the Kentucky State Police, the Tennessee Highway Patrol, the Arkansas State Police, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, and the Kansas Highway patrol.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), HB 2701 (2024), and SCS/HCS/HB 2700 (2024).


The act adds charter schools to provisions of state law requiring background checks to be conducted on school personnel. The act repeals language specifying the types of work screened volunteers might do for a school district or charter school.

The act requires background checks to be conducted not only on school bus drivers, but also on the drivers of other vehicles owned by school districts and charter schools. For drivers employed or contracted by a pupil transportation company that is under contract with a school district or charter school, the pupil transportation company shall conduct the criminal background check.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), SCS/HCS/HB 1569 (2024) and HCS/HB 2423 (2024).

TRAINING REQUIREMENTS FOR AMBULANCE DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS (Sections 190.053, 190.076, 190.109, 190.112, & 190.166)

This act modifies training requirements for members of an ambulance district board of directors. Under this act, board members shall complete three hours of continuing education for each term of office. Failure to do so shall result in immediate disqualification and the office shall be vacant until filled.

Under this act, each ambulance district shall arrange for an audit of the district's records and accounts every three years by a certified public accountant. The audit shall be made available to the public on the district's website or otherwise freely available by other electronic means.

The Department of Health and Seniors Services, as a part of regulating ground ambulance service licenses, shall promulgate rules regarding participation with regional emergency medical services advisory committees and ambulance service administrator qualifications.

This act requires ambulance services to report to the Department individuals serving as ambulance service administrators. These administrators shall be required to complete training as described in the act.

Finally, the Department may refuse to issue, deny renewal of, or suspend a license required for ground ambulance services or take other corrective actions if the license holder is determined to be financially insolvent, has inadequate personnel for the service provided, requires an inordinate amount of mutual aid from neighboring services, has been determined to be criminally liable for actions related to the license or service provided, has been determined to be ineligible for participation in Medicare or MO HealthNet, whose ambulance district administrator has failed to meet the required qualifications or training, or if three or more board members have failed to complete required training. If the Department makes a determination of insolvency or insufficiency of services, then the Department may require the license holder to submit and complete a corrective plan, as described in the act.

The Department shall be required to provide notice of any determination of insolvency or insufficiency of services to other license holders operating in the license holder's vicinity, members of the General Assembly who represent that area, other governing officials, the appropriate regional emergency medical services advisory committee, and the State Advisory Council on Emergency Medical Services. The Department shall immediately engage with other license holders in the area. Assisting license holders may be compensated for such assistance as described in the act.

These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and substantially similar to SB 1340 (2024).


This act modifies provisions relating to certification of community paramedics and the provision of community paramedic services. Currently, community paramedics practice in accordance with protocols and supervisory standards of the ambulance service's medical director. Ambulance services that provide community paramedic services in another ambulance service area shall enter into a written contract to do so. This act repeals these provisions.

Under this act, community paramedic services shall mean those services provided by an entity that employs licensed paramedics certified by the Department of Health and Senior Services as community paramedics for services that are provided in a nonemergent setting, consistent with the education and training of a community paramedic and the supervisory standard approved by the medical director, and documented in the entity's patient care plans or protocols.

Any ambulance service that seeks to provide community paramedic services outside of its service area shall have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the ambulance service of that area if that ambulance service is already providing those services or shall notify the ambulance services of that area if that ambulance service is not providing community paramedic services. Emergency medical response agencies (EMRA) may provide community paramedic services in a ground ambulance service's service area. If the ground ambulance service is already providing those services or provides them after the EMRA offers them, then the EMRA and ground ambulance service shall enter into a MOU for the coordination of services.

The Department shall promulgate rules and regulations for the purpose of certifying community paramedic services entities and the standards necessary to provide such services. Certified entities shall be eligible to provide community paramedic services for 5 years.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and SCS/SB 1382 (2024).


This act modifies the State Advisory Council on Emergency Medical Services by changing the number of council members from 16 to no more than 23 and specifying the members who shall serve on the Council. Currently, members are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Under this act, the Director of the Department of Health and Senior Services, the regional EMS advisory committees, and the Time-Critical Diagnosis Advisory Committee shall appoint members.

This provision is identical to SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and SB 1277 (2024).

LIMITS ON SALE OF OVER-THE-COUNTER DRUGS (Sections 195.417 & 579.060)

Current law prohibits the sale, purchase, or dispensation of ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, or pseudoephedrine to the same individual in a twelve-month period in any total amount greater than 43.2 grams without a valid prescription. This act changes the total amount to 61.2 grams.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and SCS/SB 1485 (2024) and similar to HB 2824 (2024).


Under this act, a specialty hospital, meaning a hospital other than a general acute care hospital, shall not be required to comply with certain statutory provisions relating to forensic examinations of victims of sexual assault if such hospital has in place a policy for the transfer of such victims to an appropriate hospital with an emergency department.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and SB 1326 (2024).


Under this act, if a residential care facility or assisted living facility is accredited by a recognized accrediting entity, then the facility may submit documentation of its current accreditation status to the Department of Health and Senior Services. If the facility is in good standing, then the Department shall not conduct an annual onsite inspection; provided, that the Department may still conduct an inspection for violations of other standards or requirements.

This provision is identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), SB 813 (2024), and SB 685 (2023).

CHILDREN'S DIVISION CONTRACTORS (Sections 210.109 and 210.112)

This act permits the Children's Division to contract for services designed to ascertain child safety and provide preventative services. A contractor providing child safety services for a child shall not also be a placement provider for that child.

These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), SCS/SB 229 (2023), and SCS/SB 811 (2024).

Additionally, provisions in service provider contracts with the Division in which the state is indemnified, held harmless, or insured for damages, claims, losses, or expenses arising from any injury caused by or resulting from the state's negligence shall be void as against public policy and unenforceable.

These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and SCS/SB 811 (2024).


This act modifies existing statutory immunity from liability for certain persons involved with reporting, investigating, or responding to allegations of child abuse or neglect to include employees of the Department of Social Services, as well as to include additional provisions of law under which such individuals' actions may receive immunity from liability.

This provision is identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), SCS/SB 811 (2024), and SB 458 (2023) and similar to SB 823 (2022).

AMBER ALERT SYSTEM (Section 210.1012)

Under current law, a statewide program called the "Amber Alert System" was established in order to aid in the identification and location of an abducted child.

This act adds that it shall be unlawful to discriminate against any person because of a protected classification when the Department of Public Safety coordinates with local law enforcement agencies and media outlets to identify an abducted child.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024).


This act repeals provisions relating to the "Statewide Council on Sex Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children" within the Department of Social Services and creates the "Statewide Council Against Adult Trafficking and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children" within the office of the Attorney General. The Council shall make recommendations for a coordinated statewide effort against the trafficking of adults and children within the state.

The Attorney General shall serve as chairperson of the Council and shall hold an initial meeting before October 27, 2024. Finally, this act creates the "Anti-Trafficking Fund" to provide funds for the position of the Executive Director of the Council, for education regarding human trafficking, and for anti-trafficking efforts.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and SCS/HCS/HBs 1706 & 1539 (2024) and substantially similar to a provision in SB 1245 (2024) and SB 1398 (2024).

JUVENILE OFFENDER DETAINMENT (Section 211.033, 219.021, & 221.044)

Under current law, a traffic court judge may request the juvenile court to order the commitment of a person under 18 years old to a juvenile detention facility.

This act repeals such provision.

Additionally, if a person attains the age of 18 while in detention, a juvenile officer may file a motion with the court to detain the person in adult jail.

Finally, this act provides the Division of Youth Services shall not keep any youth beyond his or her nineteenth birthday, unless upon petition showing just cause for the youth to remain in juvenile detention.

These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), SCS/HCS/HB 2700 (2024), and HB 2640 (2024).

INMATE PHONE CALL FEES (Sections 217.451 & 221.108)

This act provides that correctional centers shall provide offenders with reasonable access to phone services, unless such access is restricted as a disciplinary measure.

Additionally, no correctional center shall charge more than 12 cents per minute for a domestic phone call of an inmate.

These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), the perfected SS/SB 900 (2024), and to HCS/HBs 1679 & 2169 (2024) and similar to SB 1098 (2024), SB 592 (2023), and HB 693 (2023).

REGIONAL JAIL DISTRICTS (Section 221.400, 221.402, 221.405, 221.407, & 221.410)

Under current law, any two or more contiguous counties may establish a regional jail district.

This act provides that if an existing regional jail district already levies a sales tax and another county joins the district, such joining with the district will not be effective until the voters of the county have approved the sales tax. If the voters do not approve the sales tax, the county attempting to join the district shall not be permitted to join.

This act also adds that a district may equip and maintain jail facilities, as well as lease its properties. The regional jail commission shall have the power to acquire, construct, repair, alter, improve, and extend a regional jail and it may contract with governmental or private entities. Commissioners shall also serve until their successors have assumed office.

Under current law, any regional jail district may impose a one-eighth, one-fourth, three-eighths, or one-half of one percent sales tax. This act changes the amount to up to one percent. This act also repeals the provision that such sales tax may be used for court facilities in the regional jail district.

This act also provides that expenditures paid for by the regional jail district sales tax trust fund may be made for any of the district's authorized purposes.

These provisions repeals the sunset provision.

These provisions act contains an emergency clause.

These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and the perfected SS/SB 900 (2024).

PREGNANT OFFENDERS (Section 221.523)

This act provides that by January 1, 2026, all county and city jails shall develop specific procedures for intake and care of pregnant women, including maternal health evaluations, dietary supplements, nutritious meals, substance abuse treatment, HIV treatment, hepatitis C, sleeping arrangements, mental health, sanitary materials, postpartum recovery, and a requirement that a female medical professional be present during examinations.

These provisions are identical to provisions in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and substantially similar to provisions in SB 905 (2024) and substantially similar to provisions in SCS/SB 803 (2018), HB 1002 (2017), and SB 180 (2017).


Currently, a claim for compensation for a public safety officer killed in the line of duty is $25,0000. This act changes the amount to $100,000 and provides that beginning in 2025, the amount of compensation shall be adjusted annually by the percent increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.

This program shall automatically sunset on December 31, 2030.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), HB 1732 (2024), and SCS/HCS/HB 2700 (2024).


This act extends the authority for the collection of certain fees by the Missouri Emergency Response Commission for six years, beginning August 28, 2025.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024), SCS/SB 1356 (2024), and HB 1870 (2024).


This act requires political subdivisions to submit certain vehicle information to the Department of Revenue, and receive approval, in order to qualify for an exemption to vehicle titling and registration requirements.

These provisions shall take effect as soon as technologically possible following the development and maintenance of the Department of Revenue's modernized, integrated motor vehicle registration and driver licensing system.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024).

EMERGENCY VEHICLES (Sections 304.022 & 307.175)

This act amends the section of law which was declared unconstitutional in Byrd, et al. v. State of Missouri, et al.

This act adds vehicles operated by a state fire investigator, county or municipal park rangers, and canine search and rescue teams to the definition of "emergency vehicle" applicable to yielding the right-of-way and the display of emergency lights.

This provision is identical to a provision in SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1659 (2024) and substantially similar to provisions in SB 1476 (2024), SCS/HB 1707 (2024), and the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS/SCS/HCS/HB 1606 (2022).


This act established the "Firefighters Procedural Bill of Rights Act".

This act provides that no firefighter shall be prohibited from engaging or be required to engage in political activity or from running for political office except in certain circumstances.

Additionally, this act provides that when a firefighter is under investigation or under interrogation which could lead to disciplinary action, dismissal, demotion, suspension, reduction in salary, written reprimand, or transfer, the investigation shall include varies procedures as provided in the act.

Furthermore, this act provides that a firefighter shall not be subjected to punitive action, or denied promotion, or threatened with that treatment, because of the lawful exercise of the rights granted this act or the exercise of any rights under any existing administrative grievance procedure. Additionally, punitive action or denial of promotion on grounds other than merit shall not be undertaken against any firefighter who has successfully completed the probationary period without first providing the firefighter with an opportunity for administrative appeal. This act states that a fire chief shall not be removed without providing written notice, the reason for removal, and an opportunity for administrative appeal. Finally, punitive action or denial of promotion on grounds other than merit shall not be undertaken for any act, omission, or other allegation of misconduct if the investi