SPONSOR: Lavender
This bill adds to the definition of "pregnancy resource center" by including a provision that such a center has at least one staff member who is a licensed healthcare provider, as defined under Chapter 334, RSMo, and who is present at all times on the premises when the facility is open to the public.
This bill also requires that the State Auditor conduct biannual audits of any pregnancy resource center to determine if such facility is abiding by all legally imposed provisions to maintain eligibility. The Auditor will report its findings to the Director of the Department of Social Services (DSS). Any material violations will be grounds for declassification. If the Director determines that a facility is not in compliance, the Director will by written notice inform the facility that it may be declassified in 60 days unless the deficiencies are corrected.
At the end of the 60-day grace period, if the facility is still not in compliance, the Director may send a Notice of Declassification and a notice to cease operations as a pregnancy resource center. Declassification of a facility will not trigger recapture of any tax credits already redeemed by a taxpayer but shall forfeit any credits claimed for the period that declassification arose and for all future tax credits.
Statutes affected: