SPONSOR: Unsicker

This bill defines a "government employee" as any person paid with Federal, State, or Local taxpayer money and prohibits any government employee from willfully providing false information within the scope of their duties.

The Office of Administration must establish an online reporting system be used by all governmental entities that must include complainant details, employee name, incident date, and description of the incident.

A complaint must be immediately referred for investigation to the employee's department director. The director is required to provide a detailed report of the investigation to the Office of Administration, the employee that is subject to the investigation, and the person filing the complaint. If unsatisfied by the results of the initial investigation, the complainant may request a second investigation by the Office of Administration. The Office of Administration must complete the investigation within 30 days of the complaint. If the employee is found to have violated this section that will be grounds for termination. Each termination must be reported to the complainant, legislature, Governor, and Office of Administration.

This bill requires the Office of Administration to submit an annual report to the General Assembly, Governor, and public detailing findings under this Section by December 31 each year.

Statutes affected:
Introduced (5521H.01): 105.2040