SPONSOR: Hausman

This bill establishes the "End Hospital Institutionalization Act".

The bill specifies that, when notified by a hospital that a child under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court is being "boarded", as that term is defined in the bill, the juvenile court is required to intervene in order to ensure the proper setting and treatment for the child.

This bill requires the juvenile court to the county in which the hospital is located, if given the same notification, to immediately take custody of the child to ensure the proper setting and treatment for the child.

The bill requires the Department of Mental Health, upon notification from a hospital that a person who has been diagnosed with a developmental disability, serious mental illness, or substance use disorder is being boarded, to provide case management and treatment, including residential or inpatient treatment as appropriate.

The State is required to reimburse the hospital the actual costs for boarding, or the hospital's full allowable costs under MO HealthNet rules, for every day that a person is boarded after the juvenile court or the Department has been notified of that person's boarding.

Statutes affected:
Introduced (5568H.01): 630.1155