WHEREAS, the United States acquired Puerto Rico by military victory over Spain in 2 the Spanish-American War in 1898 and designated it as a territory; and 3 4 WHEREAS, citizenship was not granted to the people of Puerto Rico until 1917 5 under the Jones-Shafroth Act; and 6 7 WHEREAS, Congress did not allow the formation of the Commonwealth of Puerto 8 Rico with its own governing constitution until 1952; and 9 10 WHEREAS, the people of Puerto Rico are not afforded representation in Congress or 11 the right to vote in presidential elections; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court has repeatedly confirmed that the 14 people of Puerto Rico are subject to federal laws but lack many fundamental constitutional 15 rights afforded to other citizens of the United States and, as described by Tom C.W. Lin in his 16 article Americans, Almost and Forgotten, 107 CALIF. L. REV. 1249 (2019), the Court has 17 shown no inclination to overrule its longstanding Insular Cases, that condition constitutional 18 rights in unincorporated territories upon Congressional passage of federal laws; and 19 20 WHEREAS, the doctrines espoused in the Insular Cases are subject to longstanding 21 and widespread legal critique as anachronistic and racist; and 22 23 WHEREAS, natural disasters such as Hurricane Maria have given rise to great 24 hardship on the island of Puerto Rico in recent years; and 25 26 WHEREAS, the people of Puerto Rico have favored joining the United States as a 27 state instead of remaining as a territory or becoming an independent nation in several HCR 38 2
28 referendums, including a referendum in 2020 in which 52.34% of voters favored the 29 admission of Puerto Rico as a state; and 30 31 WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has power, under Section 3, Article IV 32 of the Constitution of the United States, to authorize the admission of existing territories such 33 as Puerto Rico as new states upon the passage of a federal law: 34 35 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the House of 36 Representatives of the One Hundred Second General Assembly, Second Regular Session, the 37 Senate concurring therein, hereby urge the Congress of the United States to authorize the 38 admission of Puerto Rico as the fifty-first state of the United States; and 39 40 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Clerk of the Missouri House of 41 Representatives be instructed to prepare a properly inscribed copy of this resolution for House 42 Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, the members of the Missouri 43 congressional delegation, and the legislatures of each state. ✔