SPONSOR: Haffner

This bill adds student growth to the categories of information required to be included in the school accountability report cards of all school districts, public schools, and public charter schools under current law. The bill describes how student growth shall be calculated, with reference to a comparison of students' performance on statewide assessments in the current academic year to their performance in prior years.

By July 15 of each year, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) shall provide a confidential version of the school accountability report cards to each school building, school district, and charter school. By August 15 of each year, DESE shall publish the school accountability report cards on the DESE website, and each school building and school district shall publish its report card on its website. By August 15 of each year, DESE shall include in its annual budget request sufficient resources in personnel and equipment to prepare the report cards.

Beginning with the 2026-27 school year and in all subsequent school years, the bill also establishes provisions relating to the preparation of annual performance ratings for public schools based on students' academic performance. The bill sets forth a methodology for calculating the annual performance ratings for elementary and secondary schools and school districts based on students' year-to-year academic growth and achievement. For elementary schools, year-to-year student growth and overall student achievement shall each be weighted at 50% in the calculation, as specified in the bill. For secondary schools, DESE shall create a college and career readiness measure that is based on statistical models that identify schools' contributions to students' long-term outcomes separately from their prior achievement. DESE shall consider certain factors when measuring college and career readiness, such as Advanced Placement scores and International Baccalaureate program scores. For secondary schools, 60% of the annual performance rating score shall be based on a combination of the attainment of college and career readiness credentials and student growth, as described in the bill, and 40% of the score shall be based on a combination of student achievement on end-of- course exams and the five-year high school gradation rate.

Each school that has students who are enrolled in the school for the full academic year and who are tested using the statewide assessments shall receive an annual performance rating score and an annual report card. However, a school shall not earn an annual performance rating score based on students' academic performance if fewer than 10 students are tested in the statewide assessments.

DESE shall promulgate rules to implement the provisions of this bill, and shall additionally have the authority to promulgate rules including incentives or rewards for schools and school districts that receive an annual performance rating score of 90% or more or that increase their score by 10% over a three-year period.

Statutes affected:
Introduced (4000H.01): 160.522, 161.855
Committee (4000H.02): 160.522, 161.855, 160.522, 161.855