SPONSOR: Van Schoiack

This bill specifies that beginning January 1, 2025, county prosecutors governed under Chapter 56, RSMo, will become state employees under the Office of the Attorney General, rather than county employees, will be covered by the state employee health plan under Chapter 103, will become members of the retirement plan for state employees under Chapter 104 and Section 56.802, and will be entitled to all other benefits available to and subject to all other laws governing state employees. This change will not apply to circuit attorneys in the city of St. Louis under Sections 56.380 to 56.600.

The bill also details how the Prosecuting Attorneys and Circuit Attorneys' Retirement Fund will become part of the State Employees' Retirement System.

This bill is similar to HB 1114 (2023).

Statutes affected:
Introduced (3519H.02): 56.005, 56.066, 56.067, 56.067, 56.151, 56.200, 56.230, 56.240, 56.245, 56.265, 56.265, 56.363, 56.802, 56.807, 56.809