SPONSOR: Gallick

Currently, the Department of Natural Resources is prohibited from issuing a permit for the operation of a solid waste disposal area designed to serve a city with a population greater than 400,000 inhabitants located in more than one county, if the site is located within one-half mile of an adjoining municipality without approval of the adjoining municipality.

This bill changes the required distance from the adjoining municipality from one-half mile to one mile for any construction or operating permit for a solid waste disposal area or a solid waste processing facility. In addition, the bill increases the time frame in which the governing body of the municipality must hold a public hearing from 15 days to 30 days from receipt of notice.

The bill also specifies the Department is prohibited from issuing a permit if the site is within one mile of certain school districts without the approval of the governing body of the school district. The school district must meet the same public notification requirements as a municipality.

Statutes affected:
Introduced (3937H.01): 260.205