COMMITTEE ACTION: Voted "Do Pass with HCS" by the Standing Committee on Elementary and Secondary Education by a vote of 14 to 7.

The following is a summary of the House Committee Substitute for HB 1669.

This bill prohibits public schools from requiring students to engage in any form of mandatory gender or sexual diversity training or counseling.

The bill also prohibits public school employees from requiring or making as a part of a course specified concepts including but not limited to: one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex; an individual's moral character is necessarily determined by the individual's race or sex; and an individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of the individual's race or sex.

The bill directs the State Board of Education (SBE) to begin discipline proceedings against any individual holding a certificate of license to teach for a violation. For any local education agency or online program in violation the SBE shall withhold a maximum of 10% from the monthly distribution of state formula funding.

This bill contains an emergency clause.

This bill is similar to HB 1484 (2022).

The following is a summary of the public testimony from the committee hearing. The testimony was based on the introduced version of the bill.

PROPONENTS: Supporters say that this is bipartisan language that nobody should object to providing a clear requirement that discriminatory practices in public classrooms stop. This bill will prevent politicization in the classroom and prevent social justice reforms being taught rather than required state standards.

Testifying for the bill were Representative Seitz; Crystal Domagalski; Amber Brouk; Amber Mueller; Amy Krebs; Amy Reed; Beth Thornton; Brian Powers; Carla Valenti; Carol Heidke; Cheri Pello; Christe Mirikitani; Colette Nicholson; Daniel Folk; Dawn Wind; Eimee Cook; Erin Stephens; Hailey Rogers; Hannah Huff; Heather Lalumondiere; Ila Jean Farris; Jeff Brzezinski; Jennifer Spencer; Jeremy Vlasich; Julie Turner; Karen Hohlen; Larry Lalumondiere; Laura Feldmann; Lindi Williford; Lindsey Lawson; Lisa Adamovsky; Lori Richmeyer; Margaret (Peggy) Welker; Mary Ann Vlasich; Matt Mathes; Maureen Zamenski; Meghan King; Michelle Smith; Naomi Shuldberg; Patty Lalumondiere; Richard Wierzba; Samantha Lappe; Sara Barnard; Shaun Nicholson; Tara Schroeder; Veronica Jeffers; Concerned Women for America; Andrew Donald Wells, No Left Turn in Education - Missouri; Arnie C. Ac Dienoff; Brandy Padberg; Jennifer Swearingen Humphries; Martha Staggs; Mickey Collins; Rachl Aguirre; Roger Smith; Sean Patrick Neal; Teresa Powers; Lauren Andrews; Linda Karberg; and Kalissa Wilson.

OPPONENTS: Those who oppose the bill say that this will have a chilling effect on what may be taught in the classroom and that there are some divisive issues on which teachers should take a stand. There is often no right side of a historical event or individuals. Racism exists in the past and it exists in the present, bills like this attempt to ignore the real issues in society.

Testifying against the bill were Andrea Walter; Ashley O'Daniel; Catherine Devaney; Cheryl Ogolin; Emily Conley; Jessica M Huff; Jessica Rekate; Joy Weese Moll; Justice Nickens; Karen Pinkard; Kenetha Weidmaier; Laura Fewell; Luke Barber; Pro Choice Missouri; Marissa Polzin; Melissa Smith; Melissa Stancic; Nathan Eberlin; Nicole Sciortino; Pam Hopkins; Pamela K Hill; Rebekah Massmann; Ryan J Tinker; Sloan Sheffield Cowell; Tracy Grundy; Tracy Tegethoff; A. Jones; Alice Klem; Alice Landon; Alicia Yerxa; Allison Bender; Allison Smith; Amanda Doyle; Amanda Knittel; Amanda Michel; Amanda Schmid; Amber Wade; Amber Willis; Amber Withycombe; Amy Boschert; Amy Bourland; Amy Crews; Amy De La Hunt; Amy Drummond; Amy Garland; Amy Hoogstraet; Amy King; Amy Logan; Amy Niedbalski; Amy OConnell; Amy Thompson; Andrea Otto; Andrew D Lawson; Andrew Polzin; Angela Sanders; Angela Slavens; Angela Williams; Angie Mendica; Angie Miller; Ann Shabazz; Ann Zimpfer; Anthony J Decarli; April Rivera; Ashley Jamison; Ashley Laurentius; Autumn Cammarata; Autumn Shepherd; Barbara Allen; Barbara Loehrer; Barbara Spieler; Berta Simic; Beth Abraham; Beth Newman; Betty Woodring; Beverly Rollings; Blair Panzica; Bonnie Luna; Brandi Koziatek; Brian Driscoll; Brian Weinstock; Brigiett Cunningham; Brigitte Sheridan; Bruce Rekate; Candy Larson-Soete; Caren Kelly; Carol Fitzsimmons; Carol Mccorkle; Carol Nasby; Carolyn Pridemore; Carrie Love; Catherine Holmes; Catherine Mueller; Cathie Logan; Cathy; Charlotte Rene Vance; Cheryl Flaim; Cheryl J Aylesworth; Chris Ostendorf; Chrissy Latzke; Christina Horton; Christina Matekel-Gibson; Christine Brown; Christy Hefele; Claudia Jenkins; Colleen "Peggie" Dean; Connor Frisch; Cristan M Caudill; Cynthia Anderson; Cynthia Berryman; Dana Evans; Dana Isom; Daniel Balmer; Danielle Callanan; Danielle Otte; Darlene Miller; David Aholt; David Jones; Dawn L Banks; Dbiren Desai; Debbie Crossnoe; Deborah Daniels; Deborah Louise Barber, Phd; Deborah Stine; Debra Rainey; Deidre Patton; Deidre Townsend; Dena Aaron; Denis Edward Rigdon; Denise Pulliam; Diana Lynn Loveland; Diane Kemper; Don Crozier; Dr. Amy Gangloff; Dr. Kathy Whited; Dr. Lisa Gilbert; Edward Long; Elaine Christie; Eleanor Gund; Elisa Neilson; Elizabeth Barker; Elizabeth Collom; Elizabeth Laley; Ella M. Montague; Ellen Wentz; Elliot Behm; Emily Bernstein; Emily Bowen-Marler; Emily Brough; Emily Klucker; Emily Kohring; Emily Wiechmann; Erica Wallace; Ericka Thomas; Erika Whitworth; Erin Krewet; Erin Rekosh; Erin Suess; Erin Yauch; Ethan Evans; Eve P Samuel; Farrell Carfield; Ginger Hayden; Glen Oberle; Grace Dobson; Grant; Greg Campbell; Heather Milo; Heather Rhodes-Wilson; Helen Lucinda Baker; Holly Belle; Holly Henry; Jacob Hicks; Jacqueline Gilmore; Jaelithe Judy; James Grillion; James Hohmann; James Janes; James Thurow; Jami Collier; Jamie Davis; Jamie Heimos; Jamie Kreher; Janelle Cowles; Janet D Meibaum; Janet S. Wester; Janicia Volce; Jayla Parsons; Jeanne Boone; Jeannine Hoeft; Jeffrey O. Strasburg; Jenna Hyde; Jenna Roberson; Jenna Watson; Jennifer Biermann; Jennifer Dodson- Weihl; Jennifer Flores; Jennifer Gauble; Jennifer M Ono; Jennifer Main; Jennifer Massimino; Jennifer Mckenzie; Jennifer Moyers; Jennifer Truax; Jenny Vordtriede; Jenny Wippermann; Jessica Boggs; Jessica Cochran; Jessica Cox; Jessica Maltzman; Jessica Risenhoover; Jewel Kelly; Jill Capes; Jill Steiger; Jill Steiger; Jillian Hodge; Joan Faust; Joan Grillion; Jodi Main; Jodi Wickman; Jodie Lloyd; Joe Klenofsky; John Brocato; John Warren; Johnna Shockey; Josh Privitt; Josie Johnston; Julia; Julia Maranan; Julia Troche; Julie Burchett; Julie Francois; Julie Gaebe; Julie Morris; Julie Scott; Kara Burt; Karen Cloyd; Karen Kelly; Karen L Amos; Karen Rogers; Karen Stoll; Katharine Wager; Katherine Booher; Katherine Roesch; Kathleen Balmer; Kathleen Berberich; Kathleen Hilmer-Kendall; Kathryn Berger; Kathryn Foust; Kathryn Goodrich; Kathryne L. Gateley; Kathy Neely; Katie Sanders; Kelly Edinger; Kelly Genova; Kelly O Brien Loretta; Kelvin Belle; Ken Susman; Kenneth Livingston, OFS, BS, MS, MSW, ACSW, LCSW; Kenneth Poling; Kevan Fruendt; Kim Webb; Kimberly Maxwell; Kimberly Thompson; Kristen Bruneau; Kristin Moomey; Kristin Rehg; Kristin Ruzicka; Kyle Brown; Lana Raquel Babb; Lana Southwick; Larry Anderson; Laura Burkhardt; Laura Guthrie Eads; Laura Haney; Laura Horwitz; Laura Tennison; Laura Tesch; Laura Tromben; Lauren Obermark; Lauren Wallace; Lesley Bickmore; Lexie Obrien; Liesl Fressola; Linda Hoechst; Lindsey Schwarzer; Lisa G. East; Lisa L Lennon; Lisa Lidgus; Liz Arras; Liz Rauls; Lola Jean Butcher; Lori A Davis; Lori A Green; Lori Hollinger; Lydiah Russell; Lynn Derienzo; Lynn Josse; Lynn Nienkemper; Lynne M. Gronefeld; Mandi Schweigert; Marcia Koch Jaffe; Margaret A Huffman; Margaret Finklang; Maria Bayless; Maria Brady- Smith; Maria Lena Tolliver; Maria Schlafly; Marilyn Day; Marissa Pick; Mark Boyko; Marla Marantz; Marshall S Conn; Mary Clemons; Mary Coore; Mary Denise Hatch; Mary F. Marshall; Mary Fitzgerald; Mary J Creger; Mary Jane Grinstead; Mary Kristene Strickler; Maryann Troia; Meagan Adams; Megan Frank; Megan Lawson; Meghan Parish; Melany Boewer; Melinda Michele Rubelmann; Melinda Travers; Melissa Johnson; Melissa Lohrmann; Melissa Morgan; Melissa Pomerantz; Melodie Stocks; Melody Frese; Meredith Ann Espinoza; Meredith Labadie; Merrie; Michele Forrest; Michelle Ganey; Michelle Morgan; Michelle Shepherd; Molly Bohrmann; Mona Mccormack; Monica Horton; Nadine Ball; Nancy Ann Rourke; Neva Sprung; Nichole Brinkmann; Nichole Chrum; Nicolette Miller Stilwell; Nikki McGilvery; Noor Riaz; Olivia Carter; Pamela Skelly; Paola Rijos; Patricia A Smith; Patricia Bartell; Patricia Curran; Patricia Fisher; Patricia Neal; Rachael Burns; Rachel Keesey; Rachel Mcshane; Rachel Newman; Rebecca Flynn; Rebecca Hanes; Rebecca Janski; Rebecca Matheus; Rebecca McCarthy; Rebecca Morfeld; Rebecca Replogle-Wilkes; Rebecca Watson; Renee Wickersham; Rhiannon Kaye; Robert Allen Rhodes; Robert Good; Rose Moll; Rozlunf Cantoni; Ryan M Dillender; Ryan Stevens; Ryan Zieg; Sally Brooks; Sally Dehner; Sara Arunski; Sara Day; Sara M Klenofsky; Sara Magalli; Sara Redmond; Sara Santhuff; Sara Simpson; Sarah; Sarah Aubuchon; Sarah S Palermo; Sarah Vescovo; Sarah Wright; Scott Evans; Missouri Association of School Administrators; Shannon Smith; Sharon Horton; Sharon Jones, Promo; Sharon Schuler; Shawn Walsh; Sheila K Vogel; Shelly Evangelou; Sherri Razer; Sherry Wilkerson; Sheryl Foster; Stacie Dixon; Stefanie Buscher; Stephanie Doyle; Stephanie Gurley- Thomasf; Stephanie Henson; Steven Howland; Sue Gerding; Susan Dean Dee; Susan Donahue Yates; Susan Dubois; Susan Gibson; Susan Heller; Susan Hutchison; Susan Maher; Susan Tiffany; Susanne Elizabeth Voss; Suzanne Modesto; Suzanne Whitman; Suzie Risher-Cox; Tammy Stone; Tamora Lynn Renner; Tara Reuter Johnson; Tara Scheer; Tara Tinnin; Teagan Kleinsorge; Teresa Johnson; Teresa Lewis; Teresa Wolz; Teri Keele; Terica Donnelly; Thalia Stein; Timothy Boewer; Tina Chac; Tina I Schulze; Tom Ferri; Tosombra Kimes; Tracey Triplett; Tracy Beardsley; Vicki Pearce; Victoria Dorsey; Victoria Godfrey-Zeller; Wendy Bross; Yvonne D Reeves-Chong; Yvonne Serbell; Zachlyn Farwig; Dava-Leigh Brush; Missouri NEA; Holly Talir; Lori King; Megan Von Arb; Tamara Beidle; Alecia Hoyt; Carrie Gaines; Christopher Jenness; Dorothy Utterback; Emily Hahn; Jami Hirsch; Linda Shade; Michael Mcmurtrey; Molly Shepard; Peggy Dewille; Randee; Shalon Kegg; Shannon; Amanda Perschall; Alia Barker; Heather Fleming; Scott Randolph, Missouri National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; American Federation of Teachers- Missouri; Amanda Dimino; Amanda Spalter; Amber Benge; Amy Darr; Amy Imafidon; Amy Rogers; Andrea Cannon; Andrew Huffman; Angela Jenness; Angelina Zenser; Avis I Heisler; Becky Bubenik; Becky Patel; Bethre Means; Brendan Delong; Catherine Harland; Christy Potthast; Dana Schull; Daniel Henderson; Danielle Meert; Daphney Rose Bitanga; David Balfany; Deanna Davis; Deborah George; Diana Frazier Miller; Donna Halsband; Dorothy Roberts Arvizu; Ehidiame Imafidon; Elizabeth Curry; Emily Nagle; Enbal Shacham; Erin Gray; Grace Malley; Jamie Choler; Jeff Razer; Jenifer Burlis-Freilich; Jennifer Homa; Jennifer Loza; Jennifer Porter; Jennifer Pressy; Jess Garrett; Jessica Rowe; Jodie Paschedag; John Kiehne; Joshua Alexander Berzins; Joy Ellen Martin; Joyce Gorrell; Julia Woodard; Julie Missey; Kate Pannell; Katherine Henderson; Katherine Mangum; Kathy; Kelly Molaskey; Kendall Martinez-Wright; Kendra Hoskinson; Kenneth Derienzo; Kevin McCarty; Kim Linhares; Laura Deen; Lisa Marie Rees; Lisa R Cartee; Lisa Smith; Mary Baker; Mary Wolfe; Melissa Samaki; Myra Scroggs; Nancy Schiller; Neva Sprung; Rebecca Shaw; Rebecca White; Rex Loy; Richard Orr; Robin Neff; Ryan Lestina; Sarah Cairns; Sarah Stackman; Standiford, Jessica; Susan Touchon; Susan Wucher; Suzanne Mcginnis; Suzanne Shimkus; Todd Desmarais; Tricia Thierauf; Twila Loy; Virginia Messersmith; Jennifer Wainscott; Kelsie Leu; Cynthia Slimp; Erica Voss; Sara Evancho; Susan Ballanger; Teresa Jones; Tj Kwentus; Clara Williams; Johanna Schweiss; Mary Callahan; Angela Allen; Cammie Lewis Holiday; Heather Sindelar; Linda Carr; Lorinda J Grauel; Mary Waggener; Jocelyn Yedlicka; Allyn Harris Dault; Christine Keller; David Lauver; John R Lockwood; Kerry Madison; Angela L Boyle; Emily Hornstra; and Deborah Donnelly.

Written testimony has been submitted for this bill. The full written testimony can be found under Testimony on the bill page on the House website.

Statutes affected:
Introduced (3668H.01): 170.348
Committee (3668H.02): 170.348