The bill appropriates funds to support mental health outreach and farm safety initiatives within the agricultural community in Minnesota. Specifically, it allocates $100,000 for each of the fiscal years 2026 and 2027 from the general fund to the commissioner of agriculture. These funds are designated for mental health outreach and support services for farmers, ranchers, and others involved in agriculture, as well as for farm safety grant and outreach programs, as outlined in Minnesota Statutes, section 17.1195.

Additionally, the bill allows for the unencumbered balance of these appropriated funds to remain available until June 30, 2027, rather than canceling at the end of fiscal year 2026, as typically required by Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.28. The mental health outreach efforts may include services such as a 24-hour hotline, stigma reduction initiatives, and educational programs aimed at improving mental health within the agricultural sector.